“Lord every nation on earth will adore you” (Ps 72:11). On March 2, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI (1927-2022) suggested Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in his address to the members of the Roman Clergy, adding “Thanks be to God that after the Council, after a period in which the sense of Eucharistic Adoration was somewhat lacking, the joy of this adoration was reborn everywhere in the Church, as we saw and heard at the Synod on the Eucharist. Of course, the conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy enabled us to discover to the full the riches of the Eucharist in which the Lord's testament is accomplished: he gives himself to us and we respond by giving ourselves to him. We have now rediscovered, however, that without adoration as an act consequent to Communion received, this centre which the Lord gave to us, that is, the possibility of celebrating his sacrifice and thus of entering into a sacramental, almost corporeal, communion with him, loses its depth as well as its human richness. Adoration means entering the depths of our hearts in communion with the Lord, who makes himself bodily present in the Eucharist. In the monstrance, he always entrusts himself to us and asks us to be united with his Presence, with his risen Body.” |
“A Child’s Wish” by Fr. Abram J. Ryan (1839-1886) I wish I were the little key I wish I were the little flower I wish I were the little bell I wish I were the altar where I wish I were the chalice fair But oh, my God, I wish the most When every flash lights holy prayer A home all holy for each Host Upon its way above. That comes in love to me. |
Numerous Eucharistic Miracles have occurred at Lourdes, including the healing of Nina Klin. According to salvemariaregina.info, Nina was a twenty-two year old, just released from the Paris hospitals. A container holding 25 pints of sulphuric acid had spilled on her and she was deeply burned. The nerves of her leg had been compressed in the scar, and for ten months she had been unable to move at all. Every treatment had been tried in vain—massage, electricity—no results had been obtained. Nina had come with the National Pilgrimage. She was twice immersed in the baths, but felt no improvement. On August 22 she was lying on a mattress in front of the Grotto when the Blessed Sacrament passed beside her. She was suddenly lifted up by a violent impulsion, and jumping from her bed she broke through the litters that surrounded her and followed the procession with an assured step.
Prayer for Life: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God and Son of Mary, we praise and thank You for the precious gift of life, Divine Life and human life. We commit ourselves to adoring and proclaiming Your Personal Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist, for in You alone is the victory of life. We dedicate our lives to protecting and defending all human life; the unborn babies, the sick, the elderly, the poor, and all victims of violence. We implore Your Love and Mercy upon the whole world, for You are the true source of all peace and hope. By the Life-Giving power of Your Precious Body and Blood, please strengthen and guide us to proclaim, protect, and defend the dignity and sanctity of life. Transform us by Your Merciful Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, that we may all be one with You, and the Father and the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen. (From our D-13 card, available through us) |
St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, France (c. 315 – c. 368)—Feast, Jan. 13 “Treatise on the Holy Trinity,” by St. Hilary We believe that the Word became flesh and that we receive his flesh in the Lord’s Supper. How then can we fail to believe that he really dwells within us? When he became man, he actually clothed himself in our flesh, uniting it to himself for ever. In the sacrament of his body he actually gives us his own flesh, which he has united to his divinity. This is why we are all one, because the Father is in Christ, and Christ is in us. He is in us through his flesh and we are in him. With him we form a unity which is in God. The manner of our indwelling in him through the sacrament of his body and blood is evident from the Lord’s own words: This world will see me no longer but you shall see me. Because I live you shall live also, for I am in my Father, you are in me, and I am in you. If it had been a question of mere unity of will, why should he have given us this explanation of the steps by which it is achieved? He is in the Father by reason of his divine nature, we are in him by reason of his human birth, and he is in us through the mystery of the sacraments. This, surely, is what he wished us to believe; this is how he wanted us to understand the perfect unity that is achieved through our Mediator, who lives in the Father while we live in him, and who, while living in the Father, lives also in us. This is how we attain to unity with the Father. Christ is in very truth in the Father by his eternal generation; we are in very truth in Christ, and he likewise is in us. Christ himself bore witness to the reality of his unity when he said: He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I in him. No one will be in Christ unless Christ himself has been in him; Christ will take to himself only the flesh of those who have received his flesh. He had already explained the mystery of this perfect unity when he said: As the living Father sent me and I draw life from the Father, so he who eats my flesh will draw life from me. We draw life from his flesh just as he draws life from the Father. St. Agnes, Virgin, Martyr, Patroness of Girls, Chastity, Engaged Couples, Rome (291-304)—Feast, Jan. 21 “In martyrdom, Agnes also seals the other crucial element of her life, virginity for Christ and for the Church. The total gift of martyrdom is prepared, in fact, by the conscious, free and mature choice of virginity, a witness to the will to belong totally to Christ. If martyrdom is a final heroic act, virginity is the result of a long friendship with Jesus that has matured in the constant hearing of His Word, in the dialogue of prayer, in the Eucharistic encounter.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Address at the Almo Collegio Capranica, Roma, for the Feast of St. Agnes, Jan 20, 2012)
Day of Penance for Violations to the Dignity of the Human Person—Jan. 23 “Devotion to the Eucharist leads one to a devotion to life and a devotion to life leads one to the Eucharist…. We receive our strength for our labors for life from the Good News of Jesus Christ and from the Holy Eucharist. This is the food that nourishes us for the tasks at hand…. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and respect for life is our faith's first precept.” (Justin Cardinal Rigali)
St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor, France (1567-1622)—Feast, Jan. 24 “As mountain hares become white in winter because they neither see nor eat anything but snow, so by adoring and feeding on beauty, purity and goodness itself in the Eucharist you will become altogether beautiful, pure, and good.”
The Conversion of St. Paul, the Apostle, Turkey (died c. 64)—Feast, Jan. 25 “The single greatest need in the world today is the practice of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. How can we say this? Logically! We have seen that the conversion of our country calls for an outpouring of marvelous power from God. Christ promised to move mountains at the words of a person who believes. We conclude: there is no greater profession of faith than during prayer before the Holy Eucharist. Why should prayer before Christ in the Eucharist be so potent in obtaining miracles of conversion? Because it is prayer that is animated by extraordinary faith. ... There is no miracle too great, and no miracle is greater than the conversion of sinners—provided we believe. That is why we can say and say with complete security; the single most powerful means on earth for the conversion of America is for Catholic Americans to mobilize a crusade of prayer before the Eucharist for the conversion of our nation.” (From “The Conversion of America through the Eucharist,” Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.)
St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Doctor of the Church, Italy (c. 1225-1274)—Feast, Jan. 28 “The Sacrament of the Body of the Lord puts the demons to flight, defends us against the incentives to vice and to concupiscence, cleanses the soul from sin, quiets the anger of God, enlightens the understanding to know God, inflames the will and the affections with the love of God, fills the memory with spiritual sweetness, confirms the entire man in good, frees us from eternal death, multiplies the merits of a good life, leads us to our everlasting home, and re-animates the body to eternal life.” (St. Thomas Aquinas)
St. John Bosco, Priest, Salesian Founder, Patron of Editors, Italy (1815-1888)—Feast, Jan. 31 “Take great care to go to Holy Mass, even on weekdays; and for such a cause be willing to put up with some inconvenience. Thereby you will obtain every kind of blessing from the Lord.” (St. John Bosco)
The Presentation of the Lord—Feast, February 2 St. Simeon the prophet lived a holy life and longed to behold the Messiah. St. Anna also awaited his coming, praying day and night in the temple. Imagine their joy when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple. Simeon’s prayer is said every day worldwide in Night Prayer: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-32). St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs—Feast, Feb. 6 “Fr. Paul Miki was the son of an affluent Japanese military chief and a gifted evangelist who strongly defended the faith against Buddhism. When the political climate became hostile to Christianity in Japan, the missionaries were ordered to leave. He and fellow Jesuit missionaries decided to continue their ministry in secret. The Jesuits did not want to leave the faithful without the Holy Eucharist and Sacraments. They were eventually arrested. Fr. Miki was martyred along with two other Jesuits and 23 other Christians—united in a common faith and love for Jesus Christ and His Church.” (James Hitchcock, The Nagasaki Martyrs) St. Josephine Bakhita, Religious, Africa (1869-1947)—Feast, February 8
St. Scholastica, Benedictine, Abbess, Miracle Worker, Italy (480-547)—Feast, February 10 Twin sister of St. Benedict, St. Scholastica was the first abbess of the order of nuns, founded by her brother. Devoted to the worship of the Eucharist at Mass, and Adoration, she remained very closely united to Jesus. When she died, St. Benedict saw her soul depart from her body, in the form of a dove, and ascend up into heaven!
Our Lady of Lourdes, France (1858)—Feast, February 11 “All the shrines of Mary, scattered throughout the world, have become above all centers of devotion to the Eucharist, 1/2 2/2 as if the Mother of Jesus had appeared, here or there, in order to lead the faithful to the adoration and love of her blessed Son.” (Pope St John XXIII)
St. Paulus Liu Hanzuo, Martyr, China (1778-1818)—Feast, February 13 St. Paulus came from a poor family and lived as a shepherd. Jesus called him to be a priest and, while Paulus was in the seminary, a persecution against Catholics was rekindled in China. Still, Paulus was faithful to his vocation and, following his ordination, secretly brought Catholics the Holy Eucharist and administered the sacraments at night. During the day he sold vegetables. Paul was betrayed and, when he refused to give up his faith, he was executed. St. Paulus became one of the Martyr Saints of China. St. Paulus intercede for the faithful, especially in China!
St. Claude de la Colombiere, Priest, Jesuit, France (d. 1682)—Feast, February 15 St. Claude wrote: “God is more honored by a single Mass than He could be by all the actions of angels and men together, however fervent and heroic they might be. ... If we only knew the treasure we hold in our hands!” “If you are sinful, repent so that you can Communicate often. If you are imperfect, go often to Communion that you may amend your faults.”
St. Peter Damian, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, Doctor of the Church, Benedictine Monk—February 21 On one occasion St Peter Damian wrote to a young nephew: “If I may speak figuratively, drive out the roaring beasts from your domain; do not cease from protecting yourself daily by receiving the Flesh and Blood of the Lord. Let your secret foe see your lips reddened with the Blood of Christ. He will shudder, cower back, and flee to his dark, dank retreat.”
Ash Wednesday—February 22 “It was not enough for Him that He should become one of ourselves by adopting a human nature like our own. It was not enough that He should share the hardships of a life like our own— that He should suffer and die and atone for our sins, in our name. He loved us, and He would not rest until He should be completely united to us. And in His love He devised this most extraordinary method of union, in which He Himself becomes our food! Truly a tremendous lover!” (Dom Mary Eugene Boylan)
St. Anne Line, Wife, Convert, Martyr, England (1563-1601)—Feast, February 27 St. Anne converted to Catholicism despite the persecution in England. Her husband and brother also converted; they were captured and banished from the country. Left alone, Anne decided to run a safe-house for priests to secretly offer Mass. On the Feast of the Presentation, a large crowd came for Mass and a neighbor reported them to the authorities. The priest escaped but St. Anne was imprisoned. When she stood trial, St. Anne was so weak that she had to be carried to the court room! Still, St. Anne was steadfast and said she only wished she could have hidden more priests. Two other English women also died to protect priests, St. Margaret Ward and St. Margaret Clitherow.
St. Katharine Drexel, Religious, Blessed Sacrament Sisters foundress, America (1858-1955)—Feast, March 3 “The offspring of this intensity of love for our Eucharistic Lord should be a consuming zeal for the gathering of souls into the fold of Christ.” (St. Katharine) St. John of God, Religious, Patron of Heart Patients, Portugal (1495-1550)—Feast, March 8 “Stay with God, go with God.” “Every day of your life keep God before your eyes. See the Mass out to the end.” (St. John) St. John was a holy youth and spent the first part of his life as a shepherd. As a young man St. John joined the military and veered from his faith, but later converted and dedicated his life totally to God. St. John founded the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God who tirelessly care for the sick.
St. John Ogilvie, Jesuit Priest, Convert, Scotland (1579-1615)—Feast, March 10 St. John’s mother, a Catholic, died when he was three and he was raised by his Calvinist father. When he was sent to Germany to study, St. John became a Catholic and a Jesuit priest. He pleaded with his superiors to send him back to Scotland where the faith was largely lost due to anti-Catholicism. St. John returned disguised as a horse trader and traveled from place to place secretly offering the Holy Mass in Catholic homes and administering the sacraments. After ten months, he was betrayed, imprisoned, and tortured. He was sentenced to death and, from the gallows, pulled out his rosary and flung it far into the crowd. The person who caught the rosary became Catholic.
St. Louise de Marillac, Mother and Religious, Daughter of Charity, France (1591-1660)—Feast, March 15 When she was a young girl, St. Louise was orphaned and wanted to become a nun. The order she applied to turned her down and she was advised to marry. She was obedient and had a son. Still, part of her worried that she wasn’t faithful in following God’s call to be a religious sister. St. Louise saw a vision in which she saw that she would serve the poor and live in a community in the future. A few years later she was widowed and spent her days praying, attending Mass, and caring for her son. She became a directee of St. Vincent de Paul who asked her to help organize the charitable groups he had begun. Fueled by her union with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, St. Louise invited other women into her home to form them in caring for the poor and the Daughters of Charity religious community was born. St. Louise pray for us to love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and be open to His plan for our lives!
St. Patrick, Bishop and Patron of Ireland (d. 461)—Feast, March 17 “I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me; God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard me, God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect me, God’s hosts to save me From snares of the devil, From temptations of vices, From everyone who desires me ill, Afar and anear, Alone or in a multitude . . . Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me, Christ in the eye that sees me, Christ in the ear that hears me. I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through a belief in the Threeness, Through a confession of the Oneness Of the Creator of creation.” (From St. Patrick’s Lorica)
St. Joseph, Patron of Universal Church, Spouse of Blessed Virgin Mary—Feast, March 20
Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord—Feast, March 25 “When the Divine Child was conceived, Mary’s humanity gave Him hands and feet, eyes and ears, and a body with which to suffer. Just as the petals of a rose after a dew close on the dew as if to absorb its energies, so too Mary as the Mystical Rose closed upon Him Whom the Old Testament had described as a dew descending upon the earth. When finally she did give Him birth, it was as if a great ciborium had opened, and she was holding in her fingers the Guest Who was also the Host of the world, as if to say, ‘Look, this is the Lamb of God; look, this is He Who takes away the sins of the world.’” (Life of Christ, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Prayer Intentions: Please send us the names of loved ones and any special intentions that you would like us to pray for before Jesus, Our Eucharistic Lord! We especially remember all of the sick, suffering, and our beloved deceased. _____________________ ______________________ ______________________ We need your prayers and financial contributions more urgently than ever to continue on this most important saving work! Won’t you help us? Please be generous. (Visa / MC accepted)
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