It is our Mission to assist parishes and communities to start, expand and renew Eucharistic Adoration programs. We have materials, means and missionaries to help. Contact us to schedule one of our inspiring, experienced and successful Missionaries to start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, renew existing Adoration, give a Mission, Day of Reflection, etc. When one of our Missionaries goes to a parish to set up Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration usually:
Occasionally there may be prearranged adaptations to the above schedule, depending on the circumstances and needs of each parish. We ask that the parish, community or organization be prepared to do the following: A. Reimburse us for the transportation expenses of the Missionary. *** Important, please note that we schedule the flights three to four weeks in advance. If the parish needs to postpone the Missionary's visit for any reason, you need to notify us before we book the flight or you will be responsible for reimbursing us for the flight. B. Lodge and feed the Missionary, and transport them (from and to the airport). C. Give a stipend to the Missionary while they are there. The stipend amounts vary; please discuss this with the scheduling secretary. Please be generous, as donations are the only means of support for many of our Missionaries.
*** Some of our Missionaries are available to give Missions, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, and Days of Reflection, Media Interviews, and other talks. Please contact us for more information. Thank you. May God bless you!
Promote Adoration of Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament!
WE ARE IN URGENT NEED OF YOUR HELP NOW!!!!!! We visited over 1000 parishes last year, not only in the United States but in many countries throughout the world! On these visits we opened up Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapels, boosted attendance at Adoration Chapels, gave parish missions, days of reflection, conferences, workshops, instruction, and distributed free materials on The Eucharist and Adoration to countless people worldwide! During this year we are hoping to far surpass last years goal, please help us. The success of our work, leading people to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, depends on your ongoing prayers and financial contributions. The costs of printing materials, shipping, mailing, distribution, travel and all aspects of our missionary works have skyrocketed. We are in urgent need of your prayers and financial support, in order to respond to the requests of parishes in the United States and countless other countries around the world, to send Adoration promoters and materials. Please be very generous to Jesus this year, send us a tax deductible donation today! Please consider making a substantial monthly pledge or yearly donation to this apostolate. Please remember us in your will. Jesus thanks you and we thank you. God bless you! "It is He Who is our Peace" (Eph 2:14) "Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy." "I want Adoration to take place ... for the intention of imploring Mercy for the world" "It is urgent that a choral invocation be raised from earth to heaven, to implore from the Almighty, in whose hands is the destiny of the world, the great gift of peace." (Pope John Paul II, November 2001) "The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament ... will help bring about an everlasting peace on earth." (Mother Teresa of Calcutta) "Adoration will heal our Church and thus our nation and thus our world.... Adoration is more powerful for construction than nuclear bombs are for destruction." (Peter Kreeft, theologian) BE AN APOSTLE FOR PEACE
Phone: (518) 561-8193
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