“My home is by your altars, The Lord of hosts, my king and my God!” (Psalm 84:4) “We adore you, Lord, truly present in the Sacrament of the Altar, the living Bread which gives life to humanity. We acknowledge you asour one God, a little Child lying helpless in the manger! . . . . Look upon us, eternal Son of God, who took flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary! All humanity, with its burden of trials and troubles, stands in need of you. Stay with us, living Bread which came down from heaven for our salvation! Stay with us forever! Amen!” (St. Pope John Paul II, December 24, 2004, Christmas Midnight Mass)
Reflections on Jesus, our Eucharistic King “O King of glory, though you hide your beauty, yet the eye of my soul rends the veil. I see the angelic choirs giving you honor without cease.” (St. Maria Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament)
O Jesus, King most wonderful; O Jesus, light of all below! thou conqueror renowned, Thou fount of living fire, thou sweetness most ineffable, surpassing all the joys we know, in whom all joys are found! and all we can desire: When once thou visitest the heart, Jesus, may all confess thy name, then truth begins to shine, thy wondrous love adore; then earthly vanities depart, and, seeking thee, themselves inflame then kindles love divine. to seek thee more and more. (St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
Advent and Christmas Reflections “If we are vigilant during Advent, we will pray every day…. We will make chapel visits a part of our Advent…. The Eucharist contains incredible strength for us. The Grace of the Eucharist is what changed my life . . . it’s what changed my heart. It woke up my heart. It has helped me to be on fire . . . to be vigilant.” “We have the same opportunity that the wise men, the shepherd, Mary and Joseph had at the Nativity scene. We will be able to see our Lord who will be born on this altar . . . . Like the wise men, we have ‘come to worship Him.’ Through the eyes of faith, we will worship our Lord and Savior. We will see the King of Kings, our Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, the reason for the season. We will see our Lord, our Savior, our friend, Jesus Christ.” (Ordained a Priest Forever: Spiritual Reflections of a Spiritual Father, Fr. Greg Shaffer)
On Christmas, the feast of the Nativity of our Lord, we celebrate the awesome Mystery of the birth of, a tiny Baby—an Infant, Jesus Christ our merciful Savior into this world! As we commemorate this great feast with prayers, Nativity scenes, carols, hymns, cards, trees, family, friends, gifts and food let us remember that “Jesus is the reason for the Season”! Let us turn to Him, our true, saving, lasting and eternal food! Let us receive Him in Holy Communion and go to Him in Adoration! Empowered by Jesus, the true Bread of Life, let us reach out to feed and minister to others—young and old, the hungry, poor, sick, suffering, dying, cold, lonely and all in need during this Season of Christ’s birth. Let us pray that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, may reign in our hearts, minds and world. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!”
“Let each one get ready... The star is coming to rest!... Let the celebrating begin, Let us adore the Child!...” (From the poem “In the Orient,” by St. Therese of Lisieux)
With hearts truly grateful,/Come all ye faithful./To Jesus, to Jesus in Bethlehem. See Christ your Savior!/Heaven’s greatest favor. Let’s hasten to adore Him./ Let’s hasten to adore Him./ Let’s hasten to adore Him./Our God and King. (Hymn)
“The Eucharist completes the restoration begun in the Crib. Make merry therefore on this beautiful day, on which the sun of the Eucharist is rising. Let your gratitude never separate the Crib from the Altar, the Word made flesh from the God-Man made Bread of Life in the Most Blessed Sacrament” (St. Peter Julian Eymard).
Respect Life Sunday—Oct. 1 “When we go before the Blessed Sacrament, we stand on behalf of that one person in the world in most need of God’s love and mercy, whether it is the unborn child, the pregnant mother, the abortionist, the handicapped, or the chronically ill.” (Fr. Jim Whalen) The Holy Guardian Angels—Oct. 2 “How happy is that guardian angel who accompanies a soul to Holy Mass!” (St. John Vianney) St. Theodore Guerin, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence, (1798-1856), France—Oct. 3 “How consoling is this mystery of the Eucharist! . . . Is there anything sweeter than to have a friend to whom we may at any hour confide our difficulties and our pain?” Theodore founded the Sisters of St. Mary of the Woods, IN, and the first Catholic women’s liberal arts college in the U.S. St. Francis of Assisi, Deacon, Franciscan Founder, Stigmatist (c. 1181-1226), Italy—Oct. 4t everyone be struck St. Francis was greatly devoted to the Eucharistic Adoration. He wrote, “Each day He humbles Himself as when He came from the royal throne into the Virgin’s womb; each day He Himself comes to us, appearing humbly; each day He comes down from the bosom of the Father upon the altar in the hands of a priest.” “It is a great misery … when you have Him present in this way, you are concerned with anything else in the whole world!” Bl. Marie-Rose Durocher, Founder, Srs. of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, (1811-1849), Canada—Oct. 6 Bl. Marie-Rose left her Sisters a legacy of devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady. Enlivened by her hours of Eucharistic Adoration, Bl. Marie-Rose helped educate poor children and cared for the sick. Our Lady of the Rosary—Oct. 7 Throughout Church history, the Blessed Sacrament and the Rosary have brought about victories in hopeless times.One example is the battle of Lepanto in 1571.When forces sought to destroy Christianity in Europe, Pope Pius V instructed all Churches to hold 40 hours devotions [Eucharistic Adoration] and recite the Rosary.The Catholic faith was saved by people praying before our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and offering the Holy Rosary. Formerly the feast of Our Lady of Victory, wenow celebrate this feast as Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. “In all the free time you have,once you have finished your duties of state,you should kneel down and pray the Rosary.Pray the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament.” (St. Padre Pio) 100th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparition at Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun (1917)—Oct. 13
Our Lady appeared to the Fatima children seven times, culminating in the Miracle of the Sun on Oct. 13, 1917, witnessed by 70,000 people. This miracle is foretelling the coming glory of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! According to Our Lady, if her requests and directives are headed, there will be great graces and mercy poured upon our world resulting in an era of peace. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, and the promises will be fulfilled, when the Heart of her Son Jesus reigns throughout the world in Eucharistic Adoration!
“What are you doing? You must pray! Pray! The hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs for you. You must offer your prayers and sacrifices to God, the Most High.” (Angel of Portugal to the children of Fatima)
The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was “the first time in history God permitted that a miracle be performed at a predicted time and place ‘so that all may believe!’ We are living in apocalyptic times. How are we going to obtain graces and mercy for the world? How are we going to see the tremendous power of the sacrifice of the Mass and the coming to us of God Himself in the Blessed Sacrament applied to the great spiritual needs of ourselves, our neighbors, our world?
“Jesus will tell you. When you kneel before the tabernacle, and especially in those precious moments after Holy Communion, listen! . . . . One of the phenomena of our time is the action of the Holy Spirit in the souls of the individual lay persons, drawing them to become apostles of the Eucharistic Christ.
“Pray to Our Lady, Queen and Mother of the Apostles, to enable you to hear His voice and to give you the loving strength to respond: ‘Here I am, Lord, tell me what I should do!’” (The World’s Greatest Secret, John M. Haffert)
“Pray! Pray! Pray! The hearts of Jesus and Mary are ready to listen to you.” (Angel of Portugal)
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Apostle of the Sacred Heart (1647-1690), France—Oct. 16 “Today the Lord wants you to honor His life wholly given to us in the Blessed Sacrament.You must be as a burning candle with no other desire than to be consumed in His honor.” (St. Margaret Mary) St. Gerard Majella, Religious, Patron of Expectant Mothers (1726-1755), Italy—Oct. 16 “Lord, make my faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar especially alive.” (St. Gerard). Sts. Isaac Jogues (1607-1646), John de Brebeuf, Charles Garnier & Companions, Martyrs, France—Oct. 19 “The source of all gentleness, the sustenance of our hearts, is Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” (St. Charles Garnier) St. Jude Thaddeus, Apostle, Martyr, Patron of Impossible Cases, (d. 67), Galilee—Oct. 28 St. Jude, please intercede for the despairing to find hope in the presence of Jesus’ Eucharistic Love. All Saints Day—Nov. 1 “How great is the value of conversation with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, for there is nothing more consoling on earth, nothing more efficacious for advancing along the road of holiness!” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei) All Souls Day—Nov. 2: Masses, Holy Hours, Rosaries and other prayers for the Holy Souls! “Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.”Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that this prayer would release 1000 souls from purgatory every time it is said. The prayer was extended to include living sinners as well.(The Chaplet of St. Gertrude prayer card, item D-20, is available through us.) St. Martin de Porres, Patron of South America, Surgeon, Miracle Worker, (1579-1639), Peru—Nov. 3 St. Martin bore a great love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. He spent long hours in adoration. St. Martin founded an orphanage and children’s hospital for the poor. Many miracles are wrought through his intercession. St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop, Patron of Catechists, (1538-1584), Italy—Nov. 4 St. Charles propagated the 40 hours of Eucharistic Adoration devotion and started a Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament. An ardent believer, he encouraged the faithful to receive Holy Communion as often as possible. St. Martin of Tours, Patron of Soldiers, (316-397) Italy—Nov. 11 Martin converted when, as a soldier, he saw a beggar and gave him half of his cloak. The beggar was Christ, who inspired St. Martin to become Catholic and enter the monastic life. His love for the True Presence was so great that he became a defender of the faith and worked miracles. Pray for our troops and veterans! St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Religious, Ptn. of Immigrants, (1850-1917), Italy—Nov. 13 “Go often dear ones and place yourself at the feet of Jesus. He is our comfort, our way, and our life.” (St. Frances) St. Agnes of Assisi, Poor Clare Nun, Virgin, Miracle Worker, (1197-1253), Italy—Nov. 16 St. Agnes is the younger sister of St. Clare. She also ran away to become a Nun, under the direction of St. Francis, and lived a life of poverty and prayer centered on the Holy Eucharist. St. Agnes established other convents. St. Gertrude the Great, Benedictine & Patroness of the West Indies (1256-1302)—Nov. 16 Jesus told St. Gertrude: “I have done My utmost to manifest the tenderness of My Heart in the Blessed Eucharist.” It is “My mercy, My gracious mercy, which alone I extend to all in this Sacrament.” St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Wife, Mother, 3rd Order Franciscan, (1207-1231)—Nov. 17 As a child, St. Elizabeth spent hours in Eucharistic Adoration. St. Elizabeth was devoted to the sick andpoor. Empowered by Jesus, her Eucharistic love, she built a hospital and fed hundreds daily! St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Religious Missionary, (1769-1852) France, Nov. 18 St. Rose slept in a closet on a straw mattress in order to be close to the Blessed Sacrament and spend hours in Adoration each night. She passed on her charism of devotion to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Feast of Christ the King—Nov. 26: ACT OF ENTHRONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST THE KING
Immortal King of Centuries, real and living, concealed under the veils of bread, our God, Jesus Christ! At Thy feet we stand to enthrone Thee, King of the Universe, in the parish of (mention here). For we declare before heaven and earth that Thy rule is our need; we declare publicly that Only Thou, King of kings (and Lord of lords), hast the sacred right never extinguished to reign over us.; we also declare on behalf of those, who refuse to know Thee and serve Thee, that only Thy sceptre can deliver our Homeland, resurrected through Thy assistance and so sorely tried. Our Almighty King, be not mindful of our unworthiness and misery, but through the love of Thy Heart may Thou descend to us mercifully, full of grace and truth, to assume the rule of this people, which today declares Thee their King. Bowing our heads and humbling ourselves before Thee, we adore God the King, the Only Triune God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. And Thee, Jesus, the everlasting King of Heaven and Earth, we proclaim and to be our King and Lord!
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Nov. 21 Mary gave her life to God as a child when she was brought to the temple by her parents, Anne and Joachim. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, France—Nov. 27 Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Laboure (feast Nov. 28) while she was at Eucharistic Adoration with the Miraculous Medal message. Mother Mary promised special graces to all who would wear the medal and said that all who would “come to the foot of the altar” to adore her Son would receive great grace. Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle—Nov. 30 St. Andrew Novena: Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen. (Whoever recites this prayer 15 times a day from St. Andrew’s feast, Nov.30, until Christmas will obtain what is asked.)
First Sunday of Advent—Dec. 3:
Advent Prayer: O Jesus, little child, come into my heart on Christmas morn, to wash away my sins and remain there in eternally. O Mary, Mother of my Savior, prepare for Jesus a cradle in my heart. Amen. O Come Let Us Adore Him in The Holy Eucharist!
St. Nicholas, Bishop, Patron of Children and Russia, (4th century), Myra—Dec. 6 St. Nicholas witnessed to Jesus Eucharistic by his great charity, generosity and love of children, the poor, and sick. Feast of the Immaculate Conception—Dec. 8 Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception! From the moment she was conceived Our Lady was without sin, a pure tabernacle for the Lord. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn, (Apparition 1531), Mexico—Dec. 12 “‘I ardently desire,’ she [Our Lady] said, ‘that a church be built here.’Right from the start, then, God’s mother indicated the Eucharistic orientation of her mission....Guadalupe itself is now a world famous shrine visited by some 20 million pilgrims a year.The miraculous image, displayed above the high altar of the basilica, appears to look down adoringly on the tabernacled Lord below.The adjoining Adoration Chapel attracts large numbers, including many adorers making the Holy Hour....The Lord’s sacramental presence reaches far and wide” (Fr. Foley). St. John of the Cross, Carmelite Priest and Doctor, (c. 1542-1591), Spain—Dec. 14 Of St. John of the Cross it is written that the Holy Eucharist was “all his glory, all his happiness, and for him far surpassed all the things of the earth” (The Collected Works of St. John of The Cross). Merry Christmas, O Come Let Us Adore Him, Our Eucharistic Savior!!!—Dec. 25
“We see the Christmas event happen at every Mass. It’s like Christ is born at every Mass. Ok, so it’s an altar and not a manger. Instead of looking like a baby, He looks like bread and wine. But, it is the same Christ. It is God in the flesh who we can see and adore. The Eucharist is the most profound reason to believe that God is with us; not only for us to see and adore, but to receive. God is not only with us in the Eucharist, but He is within us.” (Ordained a Priest Forever: Spiritual Reflections of a Spiritual Father, Fr. Greg Shaffer)
St. Stephen, Deacon, Martyr, Patron of Deacons and Stonemasons, (d. 35)—Dec. 26 Glorious St. Stephen, first of the martyrs, for the sake of Christ you gave up your life in testimony of the truth of His divine teaching.Obtain for us, dear St. Stephen, the faith, the hope, the love, and the courage of martyrs. When we are tempted to shirk our duty, or deny our faith, come to our assistance as a shining example of the courage of martyrs, and win for us a love like your own. We ask it of you for the honor of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who is the model and reward of all martyrs. Amen. St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, Patron of Theologians, Asia Minor, (d.100), Galilee—December 27 John rested his head upon the bosom of Jesus at the Last Supper. Let us rest upon the Sacred Heart of Jesus during our Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration and listen and learn from Him. Feast of the Holy Innocents—Dec. 28 “The adoration of the Lord in the sacrament is also an education in sensitizing our conscience . . . When the conscience becomes dulled, this lets in the violence that lays waste the world”(Pope Benedict XVI). Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—Dec. 28 “The child is God’s gift to the family.Each child is created in the special image and likeness of God for greater things—to love and to be loved.Where will you get the joy of loving?—in the Eucharist....Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life.Night and day, He is there.If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that adoration.”(St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta) St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop and Martyr, Patron of Clergy, (1118-1170), England—December 29 Empowered by the Eucharist to stand up for his faith, he gave his life in martyrdom at the altar.
We wish everyone a Blessed Christmas Season & a very Happy and Holy New Year!!!
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