Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament

Newsletter No. 132


April/May/June 2013 


“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” (Rev 5:12)

“Adore the Eucharist as the most Holy Trinity’s free gift for the life of the world.”

(Pope Francis, presented as Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, International Eucharistic Congress, Quebec City, Canada June 18, 2008)

“Jesus no longer belongs to the past, but lives in the present and is projected towards the future; Jesus is the everlasting ‘today’ of God. This is how the newness of God appears to the women, the disciples and all of us: as victory over sin, evil and death, over everything that crushes life and makes it seem less human. And this is a message meant for me and for you dear sister, for you dear brother. How often does Love have to tell us: Why do you look for the living among the dead? Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness... and that is where death is. That is not the place to look for the One who is alive!

“Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life! If up till now you have kept him at a distance, step forward. He will receive you with open arms. If you have been indifferent, take a risk: you won’t be disappointed. If following him seems difficult, don’t be afraid, trust him, be confident that he is close to you, he is with you and he will give you the peace you are looking for and the strength to live as he would have you do.... May he help us to feel his presence as the one who is alive and at work in our midst. And may he teach us each day, dear brothers and sisters, not to look among the dead for the Living One.” (Pope Francis, Easter Vigil homily, March 30, 2013)


“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!”

“From the Blessed Sacrament you call me continuously: ‘My joy is to be with the children of men!’ I hear the accent of that divine voice and I hasten to your arms. But what can a child of men say to the heavenly Father? I call the angels and the saints of paradise around me, and in their company I dare to say: ‘I love you, Lord!’

“From the throne of the Blessed Sacrament, you make me experience the compassion of this discourse: ‘Come to me all you who are weary and burdensome of your iniquities; come to me and I will refresh you.’ My Jesus, I come to you panting like the prodigal son. Like Peter and Mary Magdalene, I wish to be able to die in a sea of tears!. . . .

“I am comforted, however, by your presence, O my Jesus. You are already coming to me to embrace me, while you address to me your consoling words: ‘Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!’ Lord, come and let me embrace you. You have cleansed the house of my heart, and I open the doors of its poor affections for you. Come in, Lord, and bless me as you blessed the house of Zacchaeus. Come in, and bless me as you blessed the Apostles in the Cenacle. May the Body of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Father, bring me to everlasting life!” (St. Luigi Guanella)


“Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration will help bring back the faith and understanding of Jesus Christ being really and truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, and accomplish a powerful spiritual renewal within the Catholic Church.

“Jesus told St. Margaret Mary to tell the world that: ‘If you believe in My love, if you really believe in My love, then you shall see miracles of My love. I will reign in every heart and My victory shall be total and complete for I will reign through the omnipotence of My love in the Blessed Sacrament.’

“Be encouraged by the meaning of the miracle of the sun. Seventy-thousand people saw it May 13, 1917. It was raining hard. A sign of tears, the copious tears of mans inhumanity to man. Mud was everywhere, like the corruption of everything we see today. Then the sun started to spin with the splendor of many colors coming down upon the earth. This foretells the coming glory of the Blessed

Sacrament. The rain stops, the mud disappears and everything is made radiant. Seventy-thousand people witnessed the miracle of

the sun, while the whole world will see this: ‘then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away.... Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race.... He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning or pain, for the old order has passed away.’” (Rev 21:1-4)

We wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter Season!

Prayer Intentions: Please send us the names of your family, relatives, loved ones, priests, religious, & other intentions you would like us to pray for in our daily masses, and Holy Hours throughout the Easter Season before Jesus, Our Eucharistic Savior!

Please be generous with your donations during this Easter Season. Please don’t forget us when you receive your tax refund. Gifts of $10.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00, or more will help us spread the news about His Eucharistic Presence and Adoration!

We need your prayers and financial help more urgently than ever to continue on this most important ministry!

Help us spread Eucharistic Adoration, please be generous. (Visa / MC accepted) M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518)561-8193 www.acfp2000.com

Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish or community today!

Copyright, M.B.S. All rights reserved.


Feast of Divine Mercy—April 7: Go to Mass, Adoration, Confession, & Pray the Chaplet!


“Adore in the Most Blessed Sacrament My Heart, which is full of mercy.”

(Words of Jesus to St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, 145 )


Prayer of St. Faustina in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (356)

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the testament of God's mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus as proof of infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained life eternal and of infinite mercy, dispensed in abundance to us and especially to poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the mercy of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit toward us, and especially toward poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the infinite price of mercy which will compensate for all our debts, and especially those of poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the fountain of living water which springs from infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the fire of purest love which blazes forth from the bosom of the Eternal Father, as from an abyss of infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the medicine for all our infirmities, flowing from infinite mercy, as from a fount, for us and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the medicine for all our infirmities, flowing from infinite mercy, as from a fount, for us and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the union between God and us through His infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, in whom is contained in whom are contained all the sentiments of the most sweet Heart of Jesus toward us, and especially poor sinners.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in all the sufferings and adversities of life.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of darkness and of storms within and without.

O Blessed Host, our only hope our only hope in life and at the hour of our death.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of adversities and floods of despair.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of falsehood and treason.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of the darkness and godlessness which inundate the earth.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the longing and pain in which no one will understand us.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the toil and monotony of everyday life.

O Blessed Host, our only hope amid the ruin of our hopes and endeavors.

O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of the ravages of the enemy and the efforts of hell.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when the burdens are beyond my strength and I find my efforts are fruitless.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when storms toss my heart about and my fearful spirit tends to despair.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my heart is about to tremble and mortal sweat moistens my brow.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when everything conspires against me and black despair creeps into my soul.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my eyes will begin to grow dim to all temporal things and, for the first time, my spirit will behold the unknown worlds.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my tasks will be beyond my strength and adversity will become my daily lot.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when the practice of virtue will appear difficult for me and my nature will grow rebellious.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when hostile blows will be aimed against me.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when my toils and efforts will be misjudged by others.

O Blessed Host, I trust in You when Your judgments will resound over me; it is then that I will trust in the sea of Your mercy.


The Annunciation of the Lord—April 8

“The moment He became incarnate, God became present as the God-man, and having instituted the Holy Eucharist on Holy Thursday night, from the Annunciation through the Last Supper, God has decided to remain on earth as the God-man in the Blessed Sacrament until the end of time.” (Fr. John Hardon)

St. Bernadette, Lourdes Visionary and Nun, France (1844-1879)—April 16 “The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, ‘Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health.’” (St. Bernadette)

World Day of Prayer for Vocations—April 21

“Only a Church in love with the Eucharist generates, in turn, holy and numerous priestly vocations. And she does so through prayer and the testimony of holiness, offered in a special way to the new generations.” (Bl. Pope John Paul II, Homily, Holy Thursday, 2004)

St. Catherine of Siena—April 29:

“O Trinity, eternal Trinity! Fire, abyss of love...Was it necessary that you should give even the Holy Trinity as food for souls?... You gave us not only your Word through the Redemption and in the Eucharist, but you also gave yourself in the fullness of love for your creature.” (St. Catherine of Siena)

St. Joseph the Worker—May 1

“‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good will’ (Luke 2: 14). Consider how great was the love and tenderness of St. Joseph when he beheld with his own eyes the Son of God become an infant; when he heard the Angels singing around their newborn Lord, and saw the stable filled with light. Kneeling down and weeping with love and compassion, Joseph said:

‘I adore Thee, yes I adore Thee, my Lord and my God. How great is my happiness to be the first, after Mary, to see Thou born, and to know that in this world Thou wisheth to be called and reputed my Son! Allow me, then, also to call Thee my Son, and to say: My God and my Son, to Thee I consecrate my whole being. My life shall be no longer mine, but shall be Thine without reserve!’ St. Joseph, grant that I may spend my life, like thee, in the service of God.” (“Daily Devotions to St. Joseph,” St. Alphonsus Liguori)

The Ascension of The Lord—May 9

Mary is the perfect adorer ofthe Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Blessed Lord. After Jesus’ ascension into Heaven, Mary spent much of her life in Eucharistic Adoration.

St. Damien Joseph of Molokai, Apostle to the Lepers, Belgium (1840-1889)—May 10

St. Damien, apostle to the lepers, wrote about his life and work among the lepers, “It is in the Blessed Sacrament that we find strength.” “Without my daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament I could not have stood it for one single day.But with Christ beside me, I continue to be cheerful and happy, I can be zealous in my work for the poor people entrusted to my care.” One of the first things Damien did when he arrived at the leper colony of Molokai was build a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, where the lepers spent hours with Jesus experiencing His love, joy and peace.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, May 13

Though Jesus gave everything possible for us and to us He gave us an added comforter and consoler, His own Mother Mary, to be our Mother!While on earth Our Blessed Mother spent most of her days and nights in adoration of her Son in the Eucharist, interceding for the Church. Our heavenly Mother is ouradvocate, constantly praying for us. When we adore her Son she is there praying with us. “You are the Mother of the Eucharist because you are the mother of grace.You, more than all others after your Son, were aware of this sacrament hidden from the ages.” (John Gerson)

Our Lady of Fatima—Feast, May 13

According to the Fatima messages, if these requests and directives are headed, there will be great graces and mercy poured upon our world resulting in a new era of peace. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, and these promises will be fulfilled, when the Eucharistic Heart of her Son Jesus reigns throughout the world in Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament!


St. Isidore and St. Maria, Married, Parents (A .D. 1160)—Feast, May 15 This married couple were poor farmers from Spain, with a great love of God which was passed on to them by their parents. They rose early to attend daily mass and commune with God. They continued their faithful love of God even after their only son died young. They devoted their lives to God through prayer and service to the poor!

Pentecost Sunday—May 19

“Crossing the threshold of the Faith demands that we celebrate life. That we let ourselves be transformed because we have been made one with Jesus at the table of the Eucharist celebrated in community and from there our hands and heart be busy working in the great project of the Kingdom: all the rest will be given us in addition (Mt. 6.33) . Crossing this threshold of the faith supposes that we’ll not be ashamed to have the heart of a child who, because he still believes in impossible things, can still live in hope, which is the only thing capable of giving sense to and transforming history. It means asking unceasingly, praying without weakening and adoring so that our vision may be transfigured . Meditating all these things, we look at Mary. May she, the Virgin Mother, accompany us in our crossing the threshold of the faith and bring the Holy Spirit over our Church, as in Nazareth, so that just like her we may adore the Lord and go out to announce the marvels he has done in us.” (From Pope Francis’ Year of Faith letter, written as Cardinal Bergoglio, Oct. 2012)

St. Cristobal Magallenes, Priest, and Companions, Mexican Martyrs—Feast, May 21 Between 1926 and 1929, 90,000 people were killed during a Catholic persecution in Mexico. 35 martyrs were canonized, and 15 others recently declared blessed. The martyrs included several priests, Knights of Columbus, and a 15 year old boy, Jose Sanchez del Rio. They drew their strength to give witness from Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, in Mass and Adoration, and devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary. An amazing book and movie, For Greater Glory, was released last year about the Cristiada movement.

St. Rita of Cascia, Wife, Mother, Nun, Patroness of the Impossible, Italy(1381-1457)—May 22

St. Rita, patroness of the Impossible, is a powerful intercessor. She became a widow and, soon after, her two sons died. Rita became an Augustinian nun and spent hours with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration daily.She was a stigmatist and suffered Christ’s passion for the last 15 years of her life. St. Rita’s incorrupt body is preserved in a shrine in Italy.

The Most Holy Trinity—May 26

“To live by love is to hold you fast, Uncreated Logos, Word of my God. Ah! Divine Jesus, you know I love you; the Spirit of Love embraces me with his flame. It is in loving you that I attract the Father; My feeble heart clings to Him forever. O TrinityYou are the Prisoner of my Love!”

(“Vivre d’amour,” St. Therese of Lisieux)

The Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth—May 31:“Blessed is she who believed.” (Lk 1:45)

“As John the Baptist recognized Jesus hidden in the womb of Mary, the first tabernacle of the Lord, so we now recognize Jesus hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, the mystery of our faith.” (From our pamphlet “Eucharistic Rosary Meditations,” A-13)

Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ—June 2



WE COME to Thee, dear Lord, like the Apostles, saying: “INCREASE OUR FAITH.” Give us a VIVID FAITH, that Thou art really present in the Blessed Sacrament,

a STRONG and ACTIVE FAITH that we may live by it. Give us the FAITH of Thy beloved disciple, John, to recognize Thee and say: “It is the Lord.” “My God and my All!” Give us the FAITH of Peter to fall on our knees and confess: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Give us the FAITH of Mary Magdalen to fall at Thy Feet, crying, “Rabboni, Master!” Give us the FAITH of the father of the sick boy, that FAITH which Thou didst reward with a miracle when he cried out in tears,

“I do believe, Lord! help my unbelief.” Give us the FAITH of all Thy Saints to whom the Blessed Sacrament was Heaven begun on earth. In every Communion and at every visit, increase our FAITH, our LOVE, our HUMILITY, our REVERENCE,

and all good things will come to us.


(Excerpts from Jesus, Mary Joseph Novena Manual, Fr. Stedman)


The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus——June 7

Jesus of the Eucharist! Come to us and be our Ruler! All that we have and are is Yours to command, for all that we have is Yours.

If our hearts are poor, enrich them with Your grace. If they have been sinful and soiled, accept them pure and cleansed through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Suffering Heart of Jesus! to You we confide all the trials of our souls.

Sweet Heart of Jesus! to Your care we confide our weaknesses and ask You to accept our sincere repentance.

Compassionate Heart of Jesus! to You we confide our souls tormented by our suffering conscience.

Gentle heart of Jesus! we confide to You the peace and salvation of our families.

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus! the world, worried unto death, finds a refuge in Your Heart, where the lance once opened for us the source of Life. Come, O Jesus! Be our brother in the pure joy of Christian love! Come, O Jesus! Be our friend in the depths of this world’s sorrows.

The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary—June 8

“It is from this fruit that other generation of this Immaculate Heart is to be fed, as Jesus said: ‘I am the bread of life.He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.As [...] I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me’ (Jn 6:48, 56-57).And to live thus because of Christ is also to live because of Mary, since Jesus had received his body and blood from Mary.It was in this Heart that the Father placed his Son, as if in the first Tabernacle.Mary was the first pyx that held him, and it was the blood of her Immaculate Heart which communicated to the Son of God his life and his human nature from which we all, in turn, receive ‘grace upon grace’” (Jn 1:16). (Sister Lucia of Fatima)

St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church, Patron of the Poor, Italy (1195-1231)—June 13 St. Anthony was a great defender of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He explained, “Upon the Altar there takes place the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.That Body which the Virgin begot, which hung upon the Cross and was placed in the sepulchre, which rose again the third day, and ascended to the right hand of the Father, this Body the Church today and everyday presents and distributes to her faithful.When the priest speaks the words: This is My Body, the essence of the bread is changed into the Body of Christ.”

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron of Youth, Jesuit Seminarian, Italy (1568-1591)—June 21 St. Aloysius came from a wealthy family in Italy.He had a very fervent devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and made frequent visits daily, communing with Jesus for hours. St. Aloysius had a great love of the sick, and often cared for them, imagining that he was tending to the wounds of Jesus.He had an ardent desire to become a priest. St. Aloysius was a Jesuit seminarian when he died, of the plague,on the Eve of Corpus Christi (the Body of Christ), at the age of 23.

St. John Fisher, Bishop and Martyr, England (1469-1535)—Feast, June 22 Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, St. John Fisher defended the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharistdedicating one of his writings to this purposethe authority of the Holy Father and the Sacrament of marriage.His unwillingness to recognize Henry VIII’s remarriage led to his beheading, in the same year as St. Thomas More’s.

St. Thomas More, Martyr, Father, Patron of Lawyers, Chancellor of England—Feast June 22 St. Thomas was a husband, father, lawyer and Chancellor of England. He refused to pass a law making King Henry VIII head of the Catholic Church in England, so King Henry could divorce and remarry.Strengthened by daily reception and adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, St. Thomas upheld his Faith, the Pope, and the Church even though it cost him his life by martyrdom! St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, pray that the faithful may always uphold andbe true to the Faith and not succumb to the great apostasy!



Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
P.O. Box 1701
Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA


Phone: (518) 561-8193
E-mail: ACFP2000@aol.com

Open: 10 a.m. -  4 p.m. EST., Mon. - Fri.

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