“We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.” (Excerpt from the “Gloria,” for the New Translation of the Mass) With the New Translation of the Mass, we are reminded of the most awesome gift of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We worship and receive Jesus at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today like the apostles did 2,000 years ago. The New Translation invites us to rekindle our love and adoration for the sacred presence of God among us in the Blessed Sacrament. It provides us with an amazing opportunity to share with others the source and summit of our faith: Jesus, who awaits us in Holy Communion at each Mass and remains with us in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Invite others to come to Jesus to receive and adore Him! “Legions of angels surround the tabernacle in adoration.” (Bl. Luigi Guanella) “Today solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is the grace and need of our time. Society will be restored and renewed when all its members group themselves around our Emmanuel” (St. Peter J. Eymard). Advent and Christmas Meditations During these tumultuous and troubled times when the earth seems filled with the darkness of conflict and war, violence and unrest, natural disasters, scandals, uncertainty, divisions, and chaos let us keep our eyes fixed on the Way, the Truth and the Light—Jesus Eucharistic, Savior, Lord of Lords, Messiah, Emmanuel, Prince of Peace! “Jesus Christ is truly Emmanuel, God-with-us from his Incarnation until the end of time. And he is this in a particular intense and hidden way in the mystery of his continual presence in the Eucharist. What vital strength, what consolation, what firm hope is discovered in contemplating the mystery of the Eucharist! It is God-with-us that enables us to share his life and impels us to go out to evangelize the world, to sanctify it!” (Pope Bl. John Paul II). “A Savior has been born to us! Come, let us fix our gaze on the crib and adore Him! ... Let us be renovated and redeemed by the mercy of the infant who delivers us from the powers of darkness unto the salvation of his great love. O God and Infant, save us! Shepherd us safely home!” “They came with gifts—and adored, and so great was the dignity of the babe, so powerful was the light of these eyes that shone like celestial suns, that they could not help but cry out: 'Emmanuel: God is with us.’” “To each and everyone He comes as if He had never come before in His own sweet way, He the Child who is born... Jesus the Savior, He Emmanuel, He, Christ as Christ’s Mass on Christmas—Merry Christmas!!” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) “Silent Night, Holy Night, all is calm, all is bright.” When we go to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist we experience His birth once again, with Mary, Joseph and the Angels! When we go to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist “shepherds quake at the sight; glories stream from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing ‘Alleluia’”! When we go to Jesus in the Eucharist we are showered by “radiant beams from Thy Holy Face, with the dawn of redeeming grace.” Go to Eucharistic Adoration! “Rest in Heavenly peace, rest in Heavenly peace”
We wish you a Blessed & Merry Christmas & a Happy and Holy New Year! Prayer Intentions: Send us the names of loved ones and any special intentions you would like us to remember in prayer for before Jesus, Our Eucharistic King during this Holy Holiday Season! We need your prayers and financial help more urgently than ever so Jesus can be loved and adored to save and restore us. Please be generous with a ‘Year End Tax Deductable Gift’! (Visa / MC accepted) M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518)561-8193 http://www.acfp2000.com/ “O Come let us adore Him”! Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish or community today! Copyright, M.B.S. All rights reserved.
St. Therese of Lisieux, Carmelite, Church Doctor, Ptn. of Missionaries, (1873-1897), France—Oct. 1 “O God hidden in the prison of the tabernacle! I come with joy to you each evening to thank you for the graces you have given me.” “I love Him and want nothing more. It is the hidden God who attracts me.” (St. Therese of Lisieux) St. Theodore Guerin, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence, (1798-1856), France—Oct. 3 “If we truly knew how to appreciate it [the Holy Eucharist], it alone would fortify and sustain us.” Mother Theodore founded the Sisters of St. Mary of the Woods, IN, and the first Catholic women’s liberal arts college in the U.S. Respect Life Sunday—Oct. 3 John Paul II: “The Eucharist is the very source of Christian marriage.” (Familiaris Consortio, 57) “Defend human life from conception to its natural end.” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 20) Benedict XVI: “Adoration of the Lord in the sacrament is also an education in sensitizing our conscience...When the conscience becomes dulled, this lets in the violence that lays waste the world.” Offer Masses, Adoration, and Rosaries for life, and work for the respect of all life. St. Francis of Assisi, Deacon, Franciscan Founder, Stigmatist, (c. 1181-1226), Italy—Oct. 4 “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and your whole soul, and your neighbor as yourself. Therefore, let us love God and adore him with pure heart and mind. This is his particular desire when he says: True worshippers adore the Father in spirit and truth. For all who adore him must do so in the spirit of truth.” (St. Francis) Bl. Marie-Rose Durocher, Religious and Founder, (1811-1849), Canada—Oct. 6 When asked for advice, Bl. Marie-Rose pointed to Our Eucharistic Lord and Our Lady: “Ask Our Lady to help you. Ask her to entreat her Son to let you know what you should do.” Bl. Marie Rose spent many hours in adoration. Our Lady of the Rosary—Oct. 7 “Pope Leo XIII,on October 13, 1885,had a famous vision which caused him to faint.He saw Satan unleashed in all his fury to attack and to destroy the Church.Pope Leo knew our only recourse was to Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament . Of the Blessed Sacrament he said:‘The present and future tribulations of the church and of nations is greater than at any other period.The devotion that God gives us for the succor of the Church and of nations is devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.Preach it always; preach it everywhere.’” (The Eucharist & The Rosary, L. Kaczmarek,) Ann. Our Lady’s Apparition at Fatima, Portugal & the Miracle of the Sun (1917)—Oct. 13 Our Lady of Fatima asked that people make the First Saturdays devotion by attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion, praying the Rosary, and going to Confession on five First Saturdays of the month in a row. Mother Mary promised that she will help all who will console her by making the First Saturdays, and that they will have the graces necessary to go to Heaven. Our Blessed Mother says: Go to Mass and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist as often as possible! Visit Him at Adoration! Pray the Rosary! St. Teresa of Avila, Carmelite, Doctor of the Church, Reformer, Mystic, (1515-1582), Spain—Oct. 15 “Christians, this is the hour to defend your King and to keep Him company in the profound isolation in which He finds Himself. How few, O Lord, are the servants who remain faithful to You!” (St. Teresa of Avila) Sts. Isaac Jogues (1607-1646), John de Brebeuf, & Companions, Jesuit Martyrs, France—Oct. 19 “The source of all gentleness, the sustenance of our hearts, is Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” (St. Charles Garnier, Jesuit martyr) Bl. Luigi Guanella (1842-1915), Founder of the Servants of Charity, Will Be Canonized Oct. 23, 2011! Bl. Luigi, an Italian priest, founded the Servants of Charity and the Daughters of Our Lady of Providence. The orders helped him to increase assistance to those “favorites” of Providence: the suffering, elderly, abandoned, those with physical and mental disabilities, and orphaned and poor children in Italy and abroad. With the blessing and sponsorship of Pope St. Pius X, Bl. Guanella built a Church dedicated to St. Joseph in Rome, which is now a minor Basilica. He founded the Pious Union of St. Joseph, dedicated to asking the intercession of St. Joseph for the suffering and dying. He wrote, “there is a need to live well, but there is even a greater need to die well. A peaceful death is everything, especially today when people value only material things and earthly enjoyments, rejecting eternal values.” Members of the Pious Union recite this prayer daily: “O St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the suffering and dying of today.” Bl. Luigi drew his strength from Jesus, Our Eucharistic Love, Whom he wrote of so beautifully in his many writings. Following are some of the spiritual gems that he penned: “The fountain of holy love is in Jesus Christ and we have Jesus with us in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. From that throne of love, how often He enlightens the minds of His children, and how many again find their peace of heart.” “The sun of our lives is the Eucharist.” “The altar points our way to heaven.” “Live each day with the Eucharist Christ.” “The Eucharist is the treasury of God’s love.” “Jesus awaits your adoration in the Eucharist.” “The Eucharist acts as a magnet for the friends of God.” “Deepen your love daily for the Eucharist.” “The Holy Eucharist visited us daily becomes our heaven.” “A community of adorers becomes a family of love.” “The Holy Eucharist is the Sun of the earth, the Life of the world, and true Paradise on earth for all who believe.”
All Saints Day—November 1 “Jesus will grant the petitions of the Faithful in His Eucharistic Presence sooner than in any other place. The Saints realized this, and in all their trials and sufferings they hastened to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament” (Fr. Etlin, O.S.B.). All Souls Day—November 2 “What better place could we pray for the dead than before the Eucharist If we pray in the presence of the Lord, are we not like Martha and Mary?Are we not also like the Magdalene, who was grieving at the tomb when she first met the risen Christ?” (Praying in the Presence of Our Lord: For the Holy Souls) St. Martin de Porres, Dominican Brother, Patron of South America, Surgeon, (1579-1639),Peru—Nov. 3 Through his many Holy Hours before Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and sufferings, this Father of the Poor was an instrument of Christ’s healing love and generous care to multitudes.He was named the first black Saint of the West. St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop, Patron of Seminarians, Reformer, (1538-1584), Italy—Nov. 4 St. Charles worked and prayed “for the devout celebration of the Eucharist and in the adoration of Christ present in the Eucharist....May he inflame within us a love for the Saviour, who wanted to remain with us” (John Paul II, 11/04/04) Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Carmelite Nun, Mystic, Writer, (1880-1906), France—Nov. 8 “When Our Lord was on earth, the Gospel says ‘a secret power went out from Him,’ at His touch the sick recovered their health, the dead were restored to life.Well, He is still living! living in His adorable Sacrament.” (Elizabeth) St. Martin of Tours, Bishop, Patron of Soldiers, (316-397), Italy—Nov. 11 As a soldier and catechumen, Martin was very charitable. Shortly after he left the military, Martin became a Priest because of his great love for Jesus in the Eucharist. Filled with zeal, Martin became a great educator and preacher! St. Agnes of Assisi, Poor Clare Nun, Virgin, (1197-1253), Italy —Nov. 16 St. Agnes, younger sister of St. Clare, ran away to become a Nun. Under the direction of St. Francis, she lived a life of prayer and poverty, centered on the Holy Eucharist. St. Agnes established convents and is known for miracles. St. Margaret of Scotland, wife, mother, (1045-1093)—Nov. 16 Margaret, of England, reluctantly agreed to marry Malcolm III, King of Scotland. They had eight children. Margaretloved Jesus Eucharistic and devoted herself to prayer, the sick, the poor, and social reform. With her love and virtue she won the hearts of all of Scotland.Her husband and eldest son were killed in battle, and she died four days later.She is patroness of large families, and those grieving the loss of a child. St. Gertrude the Great, Benedictine & Patroness of the West Indies, (1256-1302), Germany—Nov. 16 “Each time we contemplate with desire and devotion the Host in which is hidden Christ’s Eucharistic Body, we increase our merits in heaven and secure special joys to be ours later in the beatific vision of God.” (St. Gertrude) St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Wife, Mother, Ptn. of 3rd Order Franciscans, (1207-1231)—Nov. 17 Patroness of hospitals and third order Franciscans, St. Elizabeth was devoted to the sick andpoor. Empowered by Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, she built a hospital and fed hundreds daily! Feast of Christ the King—November 20: “All the nations shall come to adore You.” (Ps 86:9) “Has the tender love of a father or the liberality of a king toward its subjects ever reached as far as the love of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?” (St. John Vianney). Jesus, may all nations declare Thee God and King; may they fall on their knees before Thee! May they throw down their vice, open their hearts, and lift up their souls to adore Thee!
Bl. Miguel Agusten Pro, Priest, Martyr, (1891-1927), Mexico—Nov. 23 Bl. Miguel offered Mass when it was illegal to worship publicly.Disguising himself, he administered the sacraments and sent secret messages to the faithful, reminding them of the love of Jesus in the Eucharist.Devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christ the King, he died praying aloud: “Viva Cristo Rey!” Long live Christ the King! St. Catherine Laboure, Religious Mystic and Visionary, (1806-1876), France—Nov. 28 St. Catherine saw Christ as King while at Eucharistic Adoration. Throughout her novitiate,Catherine had the grace of seeing Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament at all times. When Our Lady appeared to her, with the request that everyone wear the Miraculous Medal, she said “Come to the foot of the altar. Here graces will be poured out upon all who ask for them with confidence and fervor. They will be bestowed upon the great and upon the small.” First Sunday of Advent—Nov. 27: O Come Let Us Adore Him in The Eucharist! Advent Prayer, begins tomorrow: O Jesus, little child, come into my heart on Christmas morn, to wash away my sins and remain therein eternally. O Mary, Mother of my Savior, prepare for Jesus a cradle in my heart. Amen. St. Andrew the Apostle, Priest, Martyr, Patron of Russia & Scotland, (1st Century)—Nov. 30 St. Andrew Novena: Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen. (It is believed that whoever recites this prayer 15 times a day from St. Andrew’s feast, Nov.30, until Christmas will obtain what is asked).
Bl. Charles de Foucauld, Priest, Martyr, (1858-1916), France —Dec. 1 Charles returned to the faith, after living an immoral life. He became a priest, moved to Algeria, and opened a house of “adoration and hospitality.” He spent hours in Adoration, praying for souls, and was murdered by jihadists. St. Francis Xavier, Jesuit Priest, Patron of Missionaries, (1506-1552), Spain—Dec. 3 “St. Francis Xavier, that seemingly indefatigable missionary, said that he refreshed himself and drew strength for his labors from his nightly visits to the Blessed Sacrament.” (St. Alphonsus Liguori) St. Nicholas, Bishop, Patron of Children and Russia, (4th century), Myra—Dec. 6 St. Nicholas witnessed to Jesus Eucharistic by his great charity, generosity and love of children, the poor, and sick. St. Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor, Ptn. of Candle makers, (c. 340-397), Italy—December 7 This devotee of the Holy Eucharist said, “In this Mystery, the Son of God satisfies all the wants of our spiritual life.” Feast of the Immaculate Conception—December 8: Blessed be her holy & Immaculate Conception! “We must adore devoutly this God of ours, hidden in the Eucharist—it is Jesus himself, born of the Virgin Mary.” (St. Josemaria Escriva, Christ is Passing By, 84) St. Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe Visionary, Lay, (1474-1548), Mexico—Dec. 9 Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan while he was on his way to mass. He devoted the rest of his life to promoting her life-giving message and devotion and honor to her Eucharistic Son. Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, Italy, December 10—Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us! In 1294 the Holy House of Nazareth was brought by angels to Loreto, where it remains today. This house is where the Annunciation occurred and where Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived as a family. There is a stunning painting of the Annunciation at the Basilica, which surrounds the Holy House, depicting the Word of God in a Sacred Host. It is pierced by a ray coming from the Holy Spirit and reaching Mary, who is kneeling in prayer on a prie-dieu in her house at Nazareth. Many miracles are granted through Our Lady of Loreto’s powerful intercession. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe—December 12 “‘I ardently desire,’ she [Our Lady] said, ‘that a church be built here.’Right from the start, then, God’s mother indicated the Eucharistic orientation of her mission....Guadalupe itself is now a world famous shrine visited by some 20 million pilgrims a year.The miraculous image, displayed above the high altar of the basilica, appears to look down adoringly on the tabernacled Lord below.The adjoining Adoration Chapel attracts large numbers, including many adorers making the Holy Hour....The Lord’s sacramental presence reaches far and wide” (Fr. Foley). St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr and Patroness of Eye Patients, (d. 304), Italy—Dec. 13 St. Lucy gave her life to God as a youth. Refusing to marry, St. Lucy was tried for being a Christian. St. Lucy chose death before sin. She lived until she received Holy Communion, though pierced in the heart with a sword! St. John of the Cross, Priest, Carmelite Reformer, (1542-1591), Spain—December 14 Of St. John of the Cross it is written that the Holy Eucharist was “all his glory, all his happiness, and for him far surpassed all the things of the earth” (The Collected Works of St. John of The Cross). Merry Christmas, O Come Let Us Adore Him, Our Eucharistic Savior!!!—December 25 “The shepherds hastened to Bethlehem, where they found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying ina manger” (Lk 2:16). “We fall down in adoration before the Son of God. We unite ourselves in spirit to the wonder of Mary and Joseph. As we adore Christ, born in a stable, we make our own the faith filled with astonishment, of the shepherds of that time; we feel their same amazement and their same joy” (Pope John Paul II).
St. Stephen, Deacon, Martyr, Patron of Deacons and Stonemasons, (d. 35), Jerusalem—Dec. 26 St. Stephen is known as the first martyr of the faith and the “praying martyr.” He died on his knees, asking God’s forgiveness for those who killed him, beholding God and declaring the truth of Jesus. Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—December 26 “The child is God’s gift to the family.Each child is created in the special image and likeness of God for greater things—to love and to be loved.Where will you get the joy of loving?—in the Eucharist....Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life.Night and day, He is there.If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that adoration.” (Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta) St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, Patron of Theologians, Asia Minor, (d.100), Galilee—December 27 John rested his head upon the bosom of Jesus at the Last Supper. Let us rest upon the Sacred Heart of Jesus during our Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration and listen and learn from Him. Feast of the Holy Innocents—December 28 Called in the East “The Children killed by Herod.” “These have been ransomed for God and the Lamb as the first fruits of mankind; they follow the Lamb wherever he goes” (Rev 14:4). St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop and Martyr, Patron of Clergy, (1118-1170), England—December 29 Empowered by the Eucharist to stand up for his faith, he gave his life in martyrdom at the altar. |
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