“Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! See, I am coming to dwell among you, says the Lord” (Zec 2:14). “The doctrine of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine, and of the real presence, are a truth of faith, already evident in Holy Scripture and later confirmed by the Fathers of the Church . . . . In the Eucharist, adoration must become union: union with the living Lord and with His mystical Body . . . . In the Eucharist we experience the fundamental transformation of violence into love, of death into life,” spoke Pope Benedict XVI at the Plenary assembly of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, March 13, 2009. Our Holy Father also stressed the importance of the renewal of Eucharistic Adoration.
Eucharistic Meditations
“At the Lamb’s high feast we sing,/Praise to our victorious King Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed, Paschal Victim, Paschal Bread” (4th Century Hymn). “The Holy Eucharist is my heaven on earth, and before it I will adore, as the angels and saints adore before the throne of the Lamb in heaven” (St. Peter Julian Eymard). “Behold the King of kings, behold the Lord of lords...behold the Joy of Paradise, behold the Delight of heaven, behold your God Himself, behold all the Most Holy Trinity in the divine Sacrament!” (St. Leonard of Port Maurice). “Wouldn’t it indeed be a failure of respect to neglect the divine Guest who awaits us in the tabernacle? He dwells there, really present, He who was present in the crib, at Nazareth, upon the mountains of Judea, at the Last Supper, upon the cross. He is there, the same Christ who healed the lepers, stilled the tempest, and promised to the good thief a place in His kingdom. We find there our Savior, our Friend, our elder Brother, in the fullness of His almighty power, in the ever-fruitful virtue of His mysteries, the infinite superabundance of His merits, and the ineffable mercy of His love” (Bl. Columba Marmion). “How sweet and full of comfort are the moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament! Are you in trouble? Come and throw yourself at his feet” (St. John Vianney). “O my Beloved Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I see you, I believe in you! Although you are hidden from me under the Eucharistic veils, by the sweet ciborium, by the little door of the tabernacle . . . I believe in you all the more! O holy faith!” (Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist). “Wonderful, indeed, in our regard, and most worthy of all praise, is the goodness of God, bounteous and unweariedly loving, who, to meet and greet his children, in the Sacrament which is the term and final realization of all sacrifices everywhere, dwells without end till the world’s end. He gives us for our refreshment the bread of angels....O food, truly, of the blessed spirits, you who every day unfailingly does nourish us, and who in yourself does never fail! In the breaking of the bread you are not broken, nor are you divided .May all generations praise him!” (St. Thomas Aquinas). Prayer Intentions: Send us the names of loved ones and any special intentions you would like us to pray for throughout the Easter Season before Jesus, Our Eucharistic King of Mercy! We need your prayers and financial help more urgently than ever to continue on this most important work! Help us, please be generous. (Visa / MC accepted) M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518)561-8193 http://www.acfp2000.com/ Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish or community today!
Pope John Paul II, Servant of God, Poland (1920-2005)—Anniversary, Apr. 2 “The Eucharist ... is the most precious possession which the Church can have in her journey through history” (John Paul II, Servant of God, Ecclesia de Eucharistia). Bl. Pierina Morosini, Virgin, Martyr, Italy (1931-1957)— Apr. 6 “I can’t be a day without receiving Jesus ... When I receive him in the morning, I am no longer afraid. I feel stronger” (Bl. Pierina). Bl. Pierina was one of eight children, in a poor family, and took a private vow of chastity. She stayed at home to help her mother with the small children, visited the Blessed Sacrament during her lunch break daily and prayed the Rosary on the way to work. She was the youngest member of Catholic Action at her parish and taught Catechism. One day, on her way home from work, a man tried to rape her. She died in defense of purity. Bl. Pierina, pray for our youth! Holy Thursday—April 9 “We proclaim Jesus of Nazareth Lord and Christ, crucified and resurrected, sovereign of time and history, in the joyful certainty that this truth coincides with the profoundest hopes of the human heart.... The centrality of Christ brings with it the correct appreciation of the ministerial priesthood, without which neither the Eucharist nor, consequently, the mission and the Church herself would exist” (Pope Benedict XVI, Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Clergy, Mar 16, 2009). Good Friday—April 10 “Let us reverence the Lord Jesus, whose blood was shed for us” (St. Clement). “We need the understanding that comes to us through the merciful blood of Christ in order to face the truth about ourselves without self-contradiction. On the night of the Passover the Lord kept his eyes fixed on the sprinkled blood marking the doors of the Hebrews in order to save them from the wrath of the destroying angel. So too now, in our Eucharistic adoration we keep our eyes on the Blood of the Paschal Lamb, for in that Blood is our liberation” (Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P.). Holy Saturday—April 11 “Those persons are tenderly affected who go to Jerusalem but how much greater ought our tenderness be in visiting an altar on which Jesus is present in the Most Holy Sacrament” (St. Alphonsus). Easter Sunday—April 12 “O Pasch, illumination of the new bright day-the brightness of the torches of the virgins-through which the lamps of souls are no longer extinguished, but the divine fire of charity burns in all, nurtured by the oil of Christ” (Pasch History, Second Century). St. Bernadette, Lourdes Visionary and Nun (1844-1879), France—April 16 “The Holy Eucharist was the breath of her soul” (Sr. Dalias). From the Blessed Sacrament, St. Bernadette received “the strength to endure in peace of soul her indescribable sufferings” (Mother Cassagnes). Feast of Divine Mercy—April 19 “Let us enable human poverty to encounter divine mercy. The Lord makes us His friends, He entrusts Himself to us, He gives us His Body in the Eucharist, He entrusts His Church to us....Let us embrace His will, like St. Paul: ‘Preaching the Gospel...is a necessity laid upon me; woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel’” (Pope Benedict XVI, Mar. 21, 2009, Homily at Angola). Let us adore His Eucharistic Heart, full of love and mercy, for peace in our hearts, families and world. May we experience and proclaim the graces of the Feast by Mass, Communion, Confession, and Adoration today! St. Louis Mary de Montfort, Priest, Missionary, France (1673-1716)—April 28 “Maintain a profoundly humble heart in the presence of Jesus dwelling in Mary. Or, be in attendance like a slave at the gate of a royal palace, where the King is speaking with the Queen. While they are talking to each other, with no need of you, go in spirit to heaven and to the whole world, and call upon all creatures to thank, adore and love Jesus and Mary for you.‘Come, let us adore.’” St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Wife, Mother, Doctor, Italy (1922-1962)—April 28 St. Gianna attained grace to be a Saint through daily Mass, prayer before the Holy Eucharist and the Rosary. She received these devotions from her parents, who helped her grow in holiness. St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Church Doctor, Ptn. of Italy (1347-1380)—April 29 “You are the supreme and infinite Good, good above all good; good which is joyful, incomprehensible, inestimable; beauty exceeding all other beauty; wisdom surpassing all wisdom, because You are Wisdom itself. Food of angels, giving Yourself with fire of love to men!....You are all sweetness, with no bitterness. Clothe me, O eternal Trinity, clothe me with Yourself” (St. Catherine). St. Joseph the Worker—May 10 “To be a father means above all to be at the service of life and growth. Saint Joseph, in this sense, gave proof of great devotion. For the sake of Christ he experienced persecution, exile and the poverty which this entails. He had to settle far from his native town. His only reward was to be with Christ. His readiness to do all these things illustrates the words of Saint Paul: ‘It is Christ the Lord whom you serve’ (Col 3:24). What is important is not to be a useless servant, but rather a ‘faithful and wise servant’ . . . . The ministerial priesthood entails a profound relationship with Christ who is given to us in the Eucharist. Let the celebration of the Eucharist be truly the centre of your priestly lives; in this way it will also be the centre of your ecclesial mission. Throughout our lives Christ calls us to share in his mission, to be his witnesses, so that his word may be proclaimed to all” (From Pope Benedict XVI'sreflections on St. Joseph at evening Vespers, Cameroon, March 18, 2008). Bl. Damien Joseph of Molokai, Apostle to the Lepers, Belgium (1840-1889)—May 10 “lt is at the foot of the altar that we find the strength we need in our isolation” (Bl. Damien). Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of Fatima—May 13 “I want to tell you to have a chapel built here in my honour. I am the Queen of the Holy Rosary. Continue praying the Rosary daily” (Our Lady of Fatima). The Fatima apparitions are a call to reparation through Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and praying the Rosary for the conversion of sinners. Again and again, Our Lady reminds us: this is Heaven’s Peace Plan! “The tender authority of the Queen of Heaven transforms the tyranny that we would otherwise unleash on earth. Just as the Israelites wandering in the desert looked for manna from heaven to rescue them from starvation, so do we look to our Mother in heaven for the sustenance, the intercession that provides for our most desperate hungers. We are fed with the Bread of Life through the mediation of the Queen of Heaven” (Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P.). Pray for us, O Virgin Immaculate, our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. That the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ may come among us! (St. Peter Julian Eymard). The Ascension of The Lord—May 21 “The Eucharist...makes the Lord truly present in history. Through the reality of his Body and his Blood, the whole Christ makes himself substantially present in our lives. He is with us always, until the end of time (cf. Mt 28:20) and he sends us back to our daily lives so that we can fill them with his presence. In the Eucharist, it becomes clearly evident that our life is a relationship of communion with God, with our brothers and sisters, and with all creation. The Eucharist is the source of a unity reconciled in peace. The word of life and the Bread of life offer light and nourishment as medicine and food for our journey in fidelity to the Teacher and Shepherd of our souls” (Benedict XVI, 3/19/09, Cameroon). St. Rita of Cascia, Wife, Mother, Nun, Ptn. of Impossible, Italy(1381-1457)—May 22 St. Rita suffered through an abusive marriage, the death of her two sons and family strife. She was finally permitted to become an Augustinian nun. She was deeply devotion to the passion of Christ and suffered a wound of Jesus on her forehead. Deeply in love with the Holy Eucharist, she spent many hours in Eucharistic Adoration daily and she lived on Holy Communion alone for four years. St. Philip Neri, Priest, Patron of Rome, Oratory Founder, Italy(1515-1595)—May 26 St. Philip began the 40 hours of Eucharistic Adoration devotion in Rome in 1548, organizing the parishes to have 40 hours of adoration, in commemoration of the hours Christ spent in the tomb. Pentecost Sunday—May 31 “Holy Spirit, Goodness, Supreme Beauty! O You Whom I adore, O You Whom I love! Consume with Your divine flames This body and this heart and soul!”(Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity). The Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth—May 31 “When Jesus entered the house of St. Elizabeth, although he was imprisoned in Mary’s womb, he sanctified both mother and child; and Elizabeth exclaimed, ‘Whence comes so great a happiness to me, that the Mother of my God deigns to come to me?’ I leave you to consider how much greater is the happiness of him who receives Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, not like Elizabeth, into his house, but into the depths of his heart” (St. John Vianney). The Most Holy Trinity—June 7 “On my knees, humbly in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, I experienced great devotion at the thought that Christ was really present there in body and that, as a consequence, the whole Trinity was present there in a wonderful way” (Bl. Peter Favre). St. Michael of the Saints, Trinitarian Priest, Cancer Patron, Spain (1591-1862)—June 8 St. Michael bore a great love for the Blessed Sacrament at Mass and Adoration, which kindled his love for the poor and sick. His solicitude for others continues after his death; cancer cures are attributed to his intercession. He is often depicted in adoration before Our Lord in the monstrance. St. Ephrem of Syria, Deacon, Doctor of the Church, Iraq (d. 373)—June 9 “Do not now regard as bread that which I have given you; but take, eat this Bread and do not scatter the crumbs; for what I have called My Body, that it is indeed. One particle from its crumbs is able to sanctify thousands and thousands, and is sufficient to afford life to those who eat of it. Take, eat, entertaining no doubt of faith, because this is My Body, and whoever eats it in belief eats in it Fire and Spirit” (St. Ephrem). St. Anthony of Padua, Church Doctor, Miracle worker, Italy (1195-1231)—June 13 St. Anthony is reknowned for interceding for a miracle of the Holy Eucharist, which resulted in a nonbelievers conversion. He wrote: “Alas, how many disturbing thoughts go through our heart! As a result, we lack the leisure to enjoy the bread of heavenly delights and to taste the joys of interior contemplation. For that reason the good Master invites us: ‘Come apart from the restless throng into a desert place, into solitude of mind and body.’ When we withdraw from the turbulence of the world and rest in quiet and solitude, then does the Lord make himself known to us.” Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ—June 14 “The Eucharist is the ‘treasure’ of the Church, the precious heritage that her Lord has left to her. And the Church preserves it with the greatest care, celebrating it daily in holy Mass, adoring it in churches and chapels, administering it to the sick, and as viaticum to those who are on their last journey . . . . “On this feast day, the Christian Community proclaims that the Eucharist is its all, its very life, the source of life that triumphs over death. From communion with Christ in the Eucharist flows the charity that transforms our life and supports us all one our journey toward the heavenly Homeland. For this reason the liturgy makes us sing, ‘Good Shepherd, true Bread You who know all things, who can do all things, who nourish us while on earth, lead your brethren to the heavenly banquet in the glory of your Saints’” (Pope Benedict XVI, June 18, 2006, Angelus). The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus—June 19 “The divine heart [of Jesus] wishes to be absolute master of yours . . . It has loved people so much that it utterly spent itself on the tree of the cross to prove its love, and continues to do so in the Blessed Sacrament” (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque). The Immaculate Heart of Mary—June 20 “The Father of Mercies and the God of all consolation, in his exceedingly great and Fatherly love, gave us his well-beloved Son at the time of his Incarnation, and gives him to us daily in the most Blessed Sacrament. So, too, the most Blessed Mother of Mercy and Consolation, in the boundless charity of her maternal Heart, gave us her dear Jesus at his birth, and does so continually in the Holy Eucharist, because being one with him in spirit, in love, and in will, she wills all that he wills and does all that he does” (St. John Eudes). The Birth of St. John the Baptist—June 24:“Behold the Lamb of God!” Adore Him! St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Church Father, Apologist, France (2nd century)—June 28 “He took that created thing, bread, and gave thanks and said, This is My Body. And the cup likewise, which is part of that creation to which we belong, He confessed to be His Blood, and taught the new oblation of the new covenant, which the Church, receiving from the Apostles, offers to God throughout the world” (St. Irenaeus). Sts. Peter and Paul—June 29 Prayer for Priests: Gracious God, grant us holy ministers of Your altar, who are careful and fervent guardians of the Eucharist, and call forth ministers of Your mercy, who, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, spread the joy of Your forgiveness (World Day of Prayer 2006). |
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