Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament

Newsletter No. 97


December 2005 


“The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory” (Jn 1:14).

On Oct. 17, Pope Benedict XVI led the Bishops at the Eucharistic synod in a Holy Hour of Adoration. Our Holy Father said: “Contemplation of the Eucharist must urge all members of the Church, in the first place the priests, ministers of the Eucharist, to revive their commitment of faith . . . Eucharistic spirituality must also be the interior motor of any activity for the lay persons . . . Dear friends, we must start again from the Eucharist” (Oct. 23, 2005). Most. Rev. Charles Maung BO, S.D.B., Archbishop of Yangon, President of the Episcopal Conference, MYANMAR, proclaimed on October 6, 2005 at the Eucharistic Synod: In any situation in our world, our best reaction is to give our lives wholeheartedly to Christ, through prayer and penance. Prayer should especially be in the presence of Jesus Himself - in the most Blessed Sacrament. That is the foundation of the worldwide movement for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Pope Paul said he wrote this encyclical - Mysterium Fidei “so the hope aroused by the Council that a new era of Eucharistic piety pervade the whole Church be not frustrated.” He pleaded with pastors and bishops to “tirelessly” promote devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Pope John Paul II, in his letter On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist (1980), wrote: “The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic adoration. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of His love.” In the opening prayer of the Perpetual chapel in St. Peter’s - Vatican the Pope prayed for every parish in the world to have perpetual adoration. His Holiness Benedict XVI has very vividly expressed: “Let us beseech the Lord to reawaken in us the joy at His presence and that we may once more adore Him. Without adoration, there is no transformation of the world” When asked “What will save the world?” Mother Teresa replied: “My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in holv hours of pravers.” Over 2,500 parishes around the world now have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. About 500 in the Philippines, the United States has about 1,100 chapels of perpetual adoration, the Republic of Ireland about 150, South Korea has about 70 and lesser numbers in India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Holy Father, if the Perpetual Adoration Chapels were to be established in all the dioceses in the world and in all the possible parishes, what a magnificent result would be from the Eucharistic year. “Everything in the universe cried aloud: to tho One seated on the throne and to the Lamb be all praise and honor, glory and power forever end ever.” (Rev. 5:13) This is true: until the Church cries out that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is worthy of perpetual adoration for all He has done for our salvation, it will continue to be defeated by it’s enemies. I believe, the best, the surest and the most effective way of establishing everlasting peace on the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

O Holy Host! O Holy Host, my Lord and God, I kneel before Your throne. Let me receive the grace Divine that comes from You alone. Bestow on me Your blessings in this hour of my need and help me consecrate to You my every word and deed. On bended knee I bow my head and silently I pray that Your dear Benediction will be with me every day I love You and adore You and I praise Your holy name with all the zeal and fervor of an everlasting flame. O Holy Host look down on me from Your majestic height and with Your blessings make my soul more worthy in Your sight. Amen.

St. Francis Xavier, Jesuit Priest, Patron of Missionaries, Spain (1506-1552)-December 3 “I place on record the rich treasure that St. Francis Xavier gave us in the person of Jesus Christ through the Eucharist” (Archbishop Maria Callist SOOSA PAKIAM, INDIA, Eucharistic Synod 2005). St. Nicholas, Bishop, Patron of Children and Russia, Myra (4th century) -Dec. 6 St. Nicholas lived as an outstanding holy witness to the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist by his works of great charity, generosity and love of children, the poor, sick and needy. Feast of the Immaculate Conception-December 8 “May Mary help us, a Eucharistic woman, to be in love with it, help us to ‘remain’ in the love of Christ, to be intimately renewed by him” (Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 23, 2005). St. Juan Diego, Visionary of Guadalupe, Mexico (1474-1548)-December 9 Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan while he was on his way to mass. He devoted the rest of his life to promoting her life-giving message and devotion and honor to her Eucharistic Son. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Conversions and Miracles, Mexico-December 12 Our Lady’s apparition brought about thousands of conversions and an end to human sacrifice. St. John of the Cross, Priest and Reformer of Carmelites (Spain)-December 14 Due to his intimate union with Eucharistic Jesus, John became absorbed with His presence and achieved an inward stillness and outward peace that bore great fruit for the kingdom. Merry Christmas, O Come Let Us Adore Him in Eucharistic Adoration!!!-December 25 “[In] the Son of the Virgin, ‘wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger,’ we acknowledge and adore ‘the Bread which came down from heaven,’ the Redeemer who came among us in order to bring life to the world.” “[At Bethlehem,] ‘house of bread,’ [the] One, who under the sign of broken bread, would leave us the memorial of his Pasch. On this Holy Night, adoration of the Child Jesus becomes Eucharistic adoration” (Pope John Paul II, 12/25/04). St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, Patron of Theologians (d.100)-December 27 John rested his head upon the bosom of Jesus at the Last Supper. Let us rest upon the Sacred Heart of Jesus during our Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration and listen and learn from Him. Feast of the Holy Innocents-December 28 "The adoration of the Lord in the sacrament is also an education in sensitizing our conscience . . . When the conscience becomes dulled, this lets in the violence that lays waste the world" (Pope Benedict XVI). Pray before Jesus Eucharistic for an end to the slaughter of the unborn. St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop and Martyr, England (1118-1170)-December 29 Empowered by the Eucharist to stand up for his faith, he gave his life in maryrdom at the altar. Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph-December 30 “May the Holy Family, who had to overcome many painful trials, watch over all the families in the world . . . . May the Holy Family also help men and women of culture and political leaders so that they may defend the institution of the family, based on marriage, and so that they may sustain the family as it confronts the grave challenges of the modern age! . . . May Christian families find the light and strength to be united and to grow as the ‘domestic church’ especially in their diligent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist” (Pope John Paul II, Dec. 26, 2004).

We wish everyone a Blessed Christmas Season and a very Happy and Holy New Year!!! December Intentions: Send us the names of loved ones you would like us to pray for throughout the Christmas Season and New Year, before Jesus Eucharistic-our Prince of Peace!

Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish! We need your prayers and financial help to print and distribute materials, and send out Missionaries.

Help us, please be generous with a ‘Year End Tax Deductible Gift’! (Visa / MC accepted)

M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518) 561-8193 www.ACFP2000.com Copyright, Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. All rights reserved.


Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
P.O. Box 1701
Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA


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E-mail: ACFP2000@aol.com

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