Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament

Newsletter No. 94


September 2005



“And I—once I am lifted up from earth—will draw all men to myself” (Jn 12:32).

“I too have set out to join you in kneeling before the consecrated white Host in which the eyes of faith recognize the real presence of the Savior of the world . . . . During this ‘Year of the Eucharist,’ we will turn with the same awe to Christ present in the Tabernacle of mercy, in the Sacrament of the Altar.” “In every Mass the liturgy of the Word introduces us to our participation in the mystery of the cross and resurrection of Christ and hence introduces us to the Eucharistic Meal, to union with Christ . . . . The happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have a right to enjoy has a name and a face: It is Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist. Only he gives the fullness of life to humanity! With Mary, say your own ‘yes’ to God, for he wishes to give himself to you.” “The encounter with Jesus Christ will allow you to experience in your hearts the joy of his living and life-giving presence, and enable you to bear witness to it before others” (Pope Benedict XVI, World Youth Day, Aug. 18, 2005).

Jesus gave His Body and Blood, His life on the Cross because of His overwhelming and incomparable love and mercy for you and each and every one of us. At Holy Mass we are present at the same sacrifice of Calvary, where Jesus gives us His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus stays with us—day and night—in the Sacred Host that we may come to Him, spend time with Him and develop a personal relationship with Him. During this time Jesus Eucharistic showers us with grace, love and mercy. “The hour of adoration should reproduce the beautiful scene of the Cenacle: John reclining at Jesus’ bosom. The Eucharistic soul has two places of honor, then: at the foot of the cross and on the bosom of Jesus. One demands the other, both complement each other. They must remain loyal to Jesus, loyal to their vocation, loyal to their special mission, so that the divine Victim, looking down from the Sacred Host in the monstrance, as He looked down from the cross, might always see, at His feet, His chosen souls, of whom it may be said as it was of John ‘They were standing by the cross’” (Rev. Jose Guadalupe Trevino).

Ideas inspired by Ecclesia de Eucharistia to help celebrate the Year of the Eucharist:

Week 48 “This is my body which is given for you” (Lk 22:19) “For Mary, receiving the Eucharist must have somehow meant welcoming once more into her womb that heart which had beat in unison with hers and reliving what she had experienced at the foot of the Cross” (56). Invite parents and students to signup for a weekly Holy Hour of Adoration at your parish so they may experience the power of His life-giving presence! Include Adoration in your school schedule.

Week 49 “To her [Mary] he gave the beloved disciple and, in him, each of us: ‘Behold, your Son!’ To each of us he also says: ‘Behold your mother!’ (cf. Jn 19: 26-27). Experiencing the memorial of Christ’s death in the Eucharist also means continually receiving this gift” (57). In union with Mother Mary, pray that Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and in the Holy Eucharist may be known, and all may love, worship and adore Him as Lord and Savior of the world!

Week 50 “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour” (Lk 1:46-47). “In the Eucharist the Church is completely united to Christ and his sacrifice, and makes her own the spirit of Mary” (58). Present adorers with a gift (e.g. a monstrance pin) at weekend Masses.

Week 51 “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (Jn 6:68).“Here [in the Holy Eucharist] is the Church’s treasure, the heart of the world, the pledge of the fulfilment for which each man and woman, even unconsciously, yearns” (59). Plan a parish mission on the awesome gift of the Holy Eucharist and graces and benefits of Eucharistic Adoration for all.

Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish today!


Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997), Missionary, Sister, Macedonia —died Sept. 5

Mother lived her life in adoration and love of the Holy Eucharist, saying: “The cross is the proof that He loved us and the Tabernacle is the proof that He loves us now with tender compassion.”

Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Sept. 8

“Come, one and all, let us joyfully celebrate the birth of the joy of all the world! Today, departing from the nature of earth, heaven has been formed upon earth. This day is the beginning of the world’s salvation” (St. John Damascene). “Desiring also to adore with fervor the Body of Christ our Lord there on the altar before me, I remembered how the Blessed Virgin Mary, enthroned above all the choirs of angels, was, of all creatures that came from the hand of the Almighty, the one who most worthily honors and serves the divine Majesty” (Bl. Peter Favre).

St. John Chrysostom (344-407), Bishop & Church Doctor, Syria—Sept. 13

This “Doctor of the Eucharist” wrote of Jesus-Host: “He gave all to Thee, and left nothing for himself.” Of early Christians, St. John said: “They went into the church as into the palace of a great King, where the Angels are servants, where Heaven is open, where Jesus sits upon a throne.”

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross—Sept. 14

“Lord Jesus Christ, you are the holy bread of life. Bring to the glory of the resurrection the people you have redeemed by the wood of the cross” (Prayer After Communion). “Jesus is the grain of wheat which dies. From that lifeless grain of wheat comes forth the great multiplication of bread which will endure until the end of the world. Jesus is the bread of life which can satisfy superabundantly the hunger of all humanity and provide its deepest nourishment. Through his Cross and Resurrection, the eternal Word of God became flesh and bread for us. The mystery of the Eucharist already shines forth in the burial of Jesus” (Pope Benedict XVI).

Our Lady of Sorrows—Sept. 15: “Behold your Mother!” (Jn 19:27).

“In the Eucharist the Church is as it were at the foot of the cross with Mary, united with the offering and intercession of Christ” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1370).

St. Andrew Kim Taegon (1820-1846) and Companions, Martyrs, Korea—Sept. 20

Despite Christian persecution, St. Andrew traveled to China to study for the priesthood and became the first native priest of Korea. He returned to Korea to serve and encourage his people. He was soon martyred, making his country holy with his own blood—united to Christ’s Holy Sacrifice. Many Koreans were martyred during the 19th century. 103 were canonized, including 92 lay people, among them the lay apostle Paul Chong Hasang. “Lord, we have been nourished in this celebration of your holy martyrs with the food that gave them strength. Grant that we too will remain loyal to Christ and labor in your Church for the salvation of all” (Prayer after Communion).

St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968), Priest, Stigmatist, Mystic, Italy —Sept. 23

“How can the mother of Jesus, present at the foot of the Cross on Calvary, who offered her Son as Victim for the salvation of souls, be absent at the mystical Calvary of the altar?” “I weep and mourn at the feet of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for often I’m consoled” (St. Padre Pio).

St. Vincent De Paul (1581-1660) Priest, Servant, France—Sept. 27

Patron of Charitable Societies, St. Vincent was nourished by Eucharistic devotion to spend his life in service of all in need. He inspired others to help care for the poor, sick, aged and orphaned.

Feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Saints—Sept. 29

“ I thank You for hiding beneath the Eucharistic species Your infinite majesty and beauty, which Your Angels delight to behold” (Prayer). Holy Archangels pray that we may adore Jesus Eucharistic!

Healing Intentions: Please send the names of your loved ones and intentions to be remembered at prayer and Adoration of Jesus, our Eucharistic Savior, whose death brought life to the world:

Help! We are in a financial slump! Your monthly prayers and donations will help us continue spreading Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Thank you and God bless you! (Visa/Mastercard)

M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518) 561-8193 www.ACFP2000.com


Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
P.O. Box 1701
Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA


Phone: (518) 561-8193
E-mail: ACFP2000@aol.com

Open: 10 a.m. -  4 p.m. EST., Mon. - Fri.

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