April 2005
YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST!!! “Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and favor and to find help in time of need” (Heb 4:16). Year of the Eucharist—Special Indulgence The Holy Father himself desired to endow with indulgences certain specific acts of worship and devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament, as follows: 1. A Plenary Indulgence is granted to each and every member of the faithful under the usual conditions (sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion and prayers for the Supreme Pontiff’s intentions, in a spirit of total detachment from any inclination to sin), every time they take part, taking care to do so with pious attention, in a sacred liturgy or pious practice in honour of the Most Blessed Sacrament, solemnly exposed or preserved in the tabernacle. 2. A Plenary Indulgence is also granted to the clergy, members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and to the other faithful bound by law to recite the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as those who are accustomed to praying the Divine Office for pure devotion, every time, at the end of the day, when they recite Vespers and Compline before the Lord present in the tabernacle, either in community or privately. Members of the faithful prevented by illness or by other just causes from visiting the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist in a church or chapel, may obtain the Plenary Indulgence in their own home, or wherever the impediment obliges them to be, as long as they are totally free from any desire to relapse into sin, as has been stated above, and intend to observe the three habitual conditions as soon as they possibly can; they will make the visit in spirit, should they deeply desire to do so, with faith in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar, and they will recite the “Our Father” and the Creed, and in addition, a pious invocation addressed to Jesus in the Sacrament (for example, “Praise and thanks be at everymomenttotheBlessedSacrament”). If they are unable even to do this, they may obtain a Plenary Indulgence if in their hearts they desire to join those who carry out in the usual way the works prescribed by the Indulgence and offer to Merciful God the infirmities and hardships of their lives with the determination to fulfil the three usual conditions as soon as possible. (From the Offices of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Rome, 25 December 2004. See www.vatican.va for details).
Ideas inspired by Ecclesia de Eucharistia to help celebrate the Year of the Eucharist: Week 26 “He shows us a love which goes ‘to the end’ (Jn13:1), a love which knows no measure.” “Join . . .in adoration before this [Eucharistic] mystery: a great mystery, a mystery of mercy” (11). Celebrate Divine Mercy with a Holy Hour imploring God’s mercy for all. Week 27 “You form a building which rises on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone” (2 Eph 20). “The Eucharist builds the Church” (26). Pray and work for unity among Christians, that all may know Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and worship Him in Adoration. Invite a non-Catholic to Mass and/or Adoration. Week 28 “Beg the harvest master to send out laborers to gather his harvest” (Mt 9:38).“The Eucharist is the centre and summit of the Church's life, it is likewise the centre and summit of priestly ministry” (31). Make a weekly parish Holy Hour for holy vocations to the priesthood. Week 29 “Whoever comes to Me will never hunger, and whoever believes in Me will never thirst” (Jn 6:35).“Keep alive in the community a genuine ‘hunger’ for the Eucharist” (33). Advertise the True Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, Mass and Eucharistic Adoration in bulletins, newspapers, newsletters, signs, web, t.v. or radio spots and other means. Copyright, Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. All rights reserved. Divine Mercy Sunday—April 3 Jesus told St. Faustina: “Today I am sending My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish an aching mankind, but desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart”(1588). “The greatest sinners would achieve great sanctity, if only they would trust in My mercy” (1784). “The greater the sinner, the greater the right he has to My mercy” (723). “[Daily] adore in the Most Blessed Sacrament My Heart, which is full of mercy” (1572). Jesus asked St. Maria Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament to have a picture of Him painted, one that would show His loving, merciful heart with rays of tenderness and healing flowing forth, with the words “Jesus I Trust in You.” Jesus said: “By means of this image I shall grant many graces to souls; it is to be a reminder of the demands of My mercy” (742). If our dear Lord will grant such phenomenal graces to us for looking upon a holy picture of Him, how much more will He bless and grace those who are devoted to spending time with Him in the Blessed Sacrament? (From our pamphlet “The Eucharist and Divine Mercy”). St. Anselm, Benedictine, Archbishop, Italy (1033-1109)—April 21 “I adore and venerate you as much as ever I can, though my love is so cold, my devotion so poor. Thank you for the good gift of this your holy Body and Blood” (St. Anselm). St. Louis Mary de Montfort, Priest, Missionary, Founder, France (1673-1716)—April 28 Proponent of true devotion to Jesus through Mary, St. Louis spread his love of the Eucharist and Our Lady. He wrote: “The blessed in Heaven rejoice in the communion of the faithful because the Blessed Sacrament is a memorial of the passion and death of Jesus Christ, and that by means of it men share in its fruits and work out their salvation” (The Secret of the Rosary). St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Wife, Mother, Doctor, Italy (1922-1962)—April 28 St. Gianna, a member of Catholic action,was devoted to the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and the Rosary, which inspired her to care for the poor, sick and lonely and form the young in their faith. Gianna was a holy wife, mother and physician with a great love of Jesus, Mary and children. When Gianna was pregnant with her fourth child she had fibrous tumors in her ovary and her Doctor wanted to terminate her pregnancy. Gianna refused, giving her unborn baby the gift of life. Gianna gave birth to a healthy daughter, and died soon after. St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Church Doctor, Patroness of Italy (1347-1380)—April 29 St. Catherine was a lay, third order Dominican, who sought Church reform amid corruption. She drew her strength from receiving and adoring the Holy Eucharist. “Was it not enough for You to have created us to Your image and likeness, and to have recreated us in grace through the Blood of Your Son, without giving Yourself wholly to us as our Food, O God, Divine Essence? What impelled You to do this? Your charity alone. It was not enough for You to send Your Word to us for our redemption; neither were You content to give Him us as our Food, but in the excess of Your love for Your creature, You gave to man the whole divine essence.” Pope St. Pius V, Dominican, Church Reformer, Italy (1504-1572)—April 30 Pope Pius V tirelessly worked to promote the true faith and Divine Worship. When forces sought to destroy Christianity in Europe at the battle of Lepanto, Pope Pius V instructed all Churches to hold 40 hours of Eucharistic Adoration and recite the Rosary. The Catholic faith was saved by prayer before Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and the offering of the Holy Rosary. Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish and community today! Intentions: Please remember my loved ones in your prayers to The Divine Mercy: Help bring Jesus’ Mercy to others by spreading Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Your monthly prayers and donations of $10, $25, $100 or more help us continue our most important work! M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518) 561-8193 www.ACFP2000.com |
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