Pray for Peace! "The tendency of the flesh is toward death but that of the spirit toward life and peace" (Rom 8:6). "Christ's peace must reign in your hearts, since as members of the one body you have been called to that peace" (Col 3:15). "Visit the Lord in that 'heart to heart' contact that is Eucharistic Adoration. Day after day, you will receive new energy to help you to bring comfort to the suffering and peace to the world (Pope John Paul II). The best, the surest and the most effective way of establishing everlasting peace on the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! "Let us take courage then in the thought that although we are living in exceedingly dangerous and turbulent times, we are also living in the age of the Eucharist, and that on our altars and in our Tabernacles the Lord of hosts dwells in all the omnipotence of His Divinity and the loving kindness of His Sacred Humanity, to comfort and sustain those who place their trust in Him. In His own good time, He will dispel the clouds of war and restore peace to the world, for He alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life, not only of individual souls but also of nations" (The Blessed Sacrament: God With Us). "Contemplate the 'face' of Christ [in The Eucharist] with Mary." "Intensify your praying of the Rosary, privately and in community, to obtain from the Lord those graces that the Church and humanity especially need . . . . War and injustice have their origins in the 'divided' heart. 'Anyone who assimilates the mystery of Christ and this is clearly the goal of the Rosary learns the secret of peace and makes it his life's project'" ("Rosarium Virginis Mariae," n. 40). "If the Rosary keeps pace with the speed of our lives, it can become a privileged instrument for building peace in the hearts of persons, in families and among peoples. With Mary, we can obtain everything from her Son Jesus" (Pope John Paul II, February 21, 2003). St. Joseph the Peacemaker "Christ who comes to us in Holy Communion is the same Christ whom St. Joseph knew so intimately at Nazareth . . . . The inevitable result of this close contact with Christ was peace, as St. Paul proclaims: 'He Himself is our peace' (Eph 2:14). Hence, St. Joseph, living in the blessed peace of Nazareth, diffused that peace among his fellow men and became united with them through his Foster Son, who would later make to His Father that prayer of all surpassing charity: 'That all may be one' (John 17:21) . . . . "Christ made provision through a miracle of love. On the altar, under the sacramental species, Christ is as truly present as He was in the carpenter shop at Nazareth. But, as St. Thomas points out, in Nazareth only His divinity lay concealed; in the Eucharist, both humanity and divinity are hidden. Because of his unique role of shadow of the Eternal Father, St. Joseph was united with the Father through Christ, and thus lived in continual anticipation of the face-to-face vision of God in heaven. This same consciousness of the Father, this desire for union with Him in heaven, Christ intends His Presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament to effect . . . . Not only is the Holy Eucharist a Sacrament which engenders faith and love; it is the basis of our hope. It prompts us to view all things sub specie aeternitatisin the light of eternityand thereby to establish a proper order and peace in our lives. 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.' St. Joseph, in his devotion to the Divine Child at Nazareth sets an example for our devotion to the same Christ in the Blessed Sacrament." (Sr. Emily Joseph, C.S.J., Reflecting on St. Joseph) St. Katharine Drexel, Religious, America, (1858-1955)--Feast, March 3 St. Katharine Drexel, of Philadelphia, gave up her wealth to spend her life for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist in prayer and work for the poor. She founded the order of Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to serve Native and African Americans. St. Katharine wrote: "I adore You, my Eucharistic God. You are there exposed in the ostensorium [monstrance]. The rays are the rays of Your love for me, for each individual soul. If it wasnt for Your love, I would be in hell. I return You thanksgiving through Mary, through St. Joseph, through all the Apostles, Martyrs, Virgins and Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in heaven. And lastly, I thank You through the sacred host on all the altars throughout the world." St. Louise de Marillac, Mother & Religious, France, (1591-1660)--Feast, March 15 Widowed, St. Louise was left alone to raise her son. The spiritual daughter of St. Vincent de Paul, Louise began to help in his work with the poor and the sick. Later, with his guidance, she founded and wrote the rule for the Daughters of Charity. At that time in France, the poor, the sick, and even babies, were often abandoned in the streets. Louise worked to care for them and is often invoked to intercede for pregnant women in crisis and the lives of the unborn. St. Louise wrote of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, from Whom she drew her strength,: "Give Yourself wholly to me please, O my God . . . that I adore in this most Holy Sacrament, take entire possession of me. O sweet Jesus! O good Jesus! my God and my all, have mercy on all the souls redeemed by Your precious Blood." St. Patrick, Bishop, and Patron of Ireland, (c. 389- c. 461)--Feast, March 17 Kidnapped, brought to Ireland, and enslaved, St. Patrick escaped and later returned to Ireland to bring Christianity. He wrote, "We who believe and adore the true sun that is Christ, Who will never die, nor 'will those who have done his will' but abide forever, just as Christ Himself will abide for all eternity: who reigns with God the Father all-powerful, and with the Holy Spirit before time began, and now and through all ages of ages. Amen." St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church--Feast, March 19 "The Blessed Sacrament and St. Joseph. Behold our hope in these perilous times!" (Bishop Pichenot) "Aside from the Blessed Virgin, Saint Joseph was the first and most perfect adorer of our Lord." (St. Peter Julian Eymard) St. Catherine of Genoa, Wife & Mystic, Italy, (1447-1510)--Feast, March 22 Known for her love of the Blessed Sacrament, and revelations on the poor souls, St. Catherine wrote, "Sacrament of my God, my Jesus, my life and my love, how I love to be with Thee. Ah, how necessary art Thou to my heart! How sweet and tender are the sentiments Thou excitest in my soul! God of love, divine object of all earthly happiness, what peace I enjoy when near Thee! What holy joy, what transports even amidst the troubles and sorrows of my offenses. Before Thee the universe is in a profound silence! Before Thee all things are as nothing to me; Thou alone, O my Jesus, art all to me." The Annunciation of Our Lord--Feast, March 25 Mary said "yes" to becoming the Mother of Jesus, the Church, the World and Our Mother! Please help us with your time, talent and treasure! With your prayers and generosity you can help spread Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration for world peace! M.B.S., P.O. 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