Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament

Newsletter No. 58


September 2002


The Eucharist, Triumph of the Cross--Our Lady of Sorrows

"There were really two altars on Calvary. One was in Marys heart, the other in Christs body. He sacrificed his flesh, Mary her soul" (Arnold of Chartres, De Septem Verbis Domini, 3 PL 189, 1694). Apart from the victory of the cross, suffering is meaningless. United to the Cross, as was the Heart of Our Lady to her Son, suffering has infinite meaning and value. In fact, it is our sufferings united to the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross--made present at the one same Holy Sacrifice of the Mass--which aid in the redemption of the world. It is through the passionate love of Pope John Paul II--who spends himself for us as our loving father--that we begin to understand the undying love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, Who after giving His Holy Body and Blood for us on the Cross, waits for us in love night and day. Constantly present, with outstretched arms, Jesus offers silent prayers to the Father for us in the Sacred Eucharist. We are called, like Our Holy Father, to imitate Mary--and in union with her heart--spend ourselves to make the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus known and loved, while offering our lives to Him as a perpetual oblation. (Excerpts from our book Bread of Life, available through us). Our Lady leads us to her Eucharistic Son, that we may grow in intimate union with Him and bring His compassion to the world. When we look upon our Blessed Savior in the Eucharist we see a paradox, a God that loves us so much He suffered and died on the cross so that He could remain with us! With the eyes of faith we know that The Eucharist is Jesus, with the eyes of love we know that He desires to be with us. Jesus stays with us to feed us with His Body, to console us with His love, to comfort us with His gaze, to commune with us in His Spirit. Jesus asks us for love in return. He longs for our friendship, just as much as He longed for the friendship of His apostles, the night of His agony, when He said to them "Could you not watch one hour with me?" (Mt. 26:40). Jesus repeats that same invitation to us today, asking us to spend a special hour of adoration with Him weekly. Jesus Eucharistic is yearning for our love, our time, our presence, our hearts. Jesus has so many gifts to give us, we need only go to Him and ask. Only Jesus can quell the restlessness of the human heart and soothe the human soul. Only Jesus in the Eucharist can grant our hearts desires and give us the grace to love and reach out to others. This is why Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote, "The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven, and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth." "Perpetual adoration is the most beautiful thing you could ever think of doing. People are hungry for God." "I beg the Blessed Mother to touch the hearts of all parish priests that they may have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in their parishes, and that it may spread throughout the entire world."

"Every Holy Mass makes present in an unbloody manner the unique and perfect sacrifice, offered by Christ on the tree of the cross, in which Mary participated, joined in spirit with her suffering Son, lovingly consenting to His sacrifice and offering her own sorrow to the Father (c.f. Lumen Gentium, no. 58). Therefore, when we celebrate the Eucharist, the memorial of Christ's Passover, the memory of His Mother's suffering is also made alive and present, this Mother, who, as an unsurpassable model, teaches the faithful to unite themselves more intimately to the sacrifice of her Son, the one Redeemer." (Pope John Paul II)

Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-640) Pope & Church Doctor, Italy--September 3 "The Good Shepherd gave His life for the sheep even to the point of putting His body and blood in our sacrament and filling the sheep He had redeemed with the food of His own flesh." St. Gregory's love of Jesus in the Eucharist filled him with compassion for his flock. He especially reached out and helped those who were needy.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) Religious, Albania, Ann. of Death--Sept. 5 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Founder of the Missionaries of Charity. She brought the homeless, sick, destitute and dying home to "die like angels." Energized for charitable works by her daily Holy Hours of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Mother Teresa said, "When the Sisters are exhausted, up to their eyes in work; when all seems to go awry, they spend an hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. This practice has never failed to bear fruit: they experience peace and strength." "Perpetual adoration is the most beautiful thing you could ever think of doing. People are hungry for God." Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish today!

St. John Chrysostom (344-407) Bishop & Church Doctor, Syria--September 13 St. John was the first to be called Doctor of the Eucharist for his fervent defense of the Real Presence and devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, which was deemed the greatest among the Church Fathers. St. John said, "But, come to the altar and you will see Him, you will touch Him, you will give Him holy kisses, you will wash Him with your tears, you will carry Him within you like Mary Most Holy." "O amiable Jesus, it is in this mystery of the Blessed Sacrament that Thy charity has exerted itself in such a wonderful manner as to seem to send forth all its flames. Praise, honor and glory forever to Thy goodness and mercy!"

St. Catherine of Genoa (1447-1507) Wife, Mystic, Italy--September 15 "O my Jesus, in Thee is every good, in Thee is all love. Great God, hear my prayers! Oh, that I could expire before Thy tabernacle, burning with love and bathed in my tears." Empowered by the grace and strength she received from receiving and adoring Jesus in the Eucharist, St. Catherine spent her life serving and caring for the sick and the poor.

St. Vincent De Paul (1581-1660) Priest, Servant, France--September 27 Known as Patron of Charitable Societies, St. Vincent spent his life working to help all who were in need. His zeal to help others was fueled by his intimate union with our Eucharistic Lord, the source of all love. St. Vincent founded and organized groups of priests, religious and laity to help and care for the poor, sick, aged and orphaned.

Archangels--September 29 St. Michael, protector of the Eucharist, pray for us! St. Gabriel bring us Gods word! St. Raphael bring us Gods healing!

Our Lady, Mother of Sorrows, pray for Priests, your special sons. Strengthen their faith and love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that they may turn to Him for the grace they need to live a life faithful to their calling. Bring comfort, consolation and courage to those who are suffering under the weight of the Cross. Give them the love of your Son and zeal for the honor and glory of God, and the salvation of souls. Amen.

Help us to bring people to Jesus and Jesus to people! Please be very generous with your donations this month. We are in a big financial slump, due to the summer season.

M.B.S., P.O. Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (518)561-8193 www.ACFP2000.com

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P.O. Box 1701
Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA


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E-mail: ACFP2000@aol.com

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