“God Is Love” (1Jn 4:16)
“The church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic worship ... Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love” (Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Cenae).
Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist—Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity—yearns to be with us. He loves us so much that He remains hidden in the Eucharist. In the Sacred Host, “Christ is contained, the invisible Head of the church, the Redeemer of the World, the Center of all hearts...” (Mysterium Fidei, Pope Paul VI).
When we come before Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament we come to Him as we are. He already knows us, He has called us to Himself, He ardently loves us and longs to be with us. Jesus wants to see us ‘Face to face,’ to commune with us ‘Heart to heart,’ not just in long distance calls. He wants to listen to us, to love, heal and care for us. All of our cares are His cares. All of our joys are His joys. All of our concerns are His concerns. All of our loved ones are His loved ones. “Come to Me all of you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you.” “Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares about you,” (Mt 11:28; Pt 5:7).
We go to Him just as we are—for He loves us just as we are. Yet, He always offers us the grace to become better and grow in love. When we can say “yes” to Him and accept His generous love, gifts and graces then we can truly begin to witness the awesome benefits of His transforming love! These gifts will be manifested in and through every area of our life, faith and work to our family, friends and acquaintances. “Christ is truly the Emmanuel, that is,’God with us.’ Day and night He is in our midst, He dwells with us full of grace and truth” (Mysterium Fidei).
Throughout Jesus’ public ministry on earth He healed the sick, He made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, He even raised the dead! Jesus keeps His promises!
“Behold I make all things new.” (Rev 21:5)
Mary Magdalene was a great public sinner. Mary heard of Jesus and His tender love for sinners. Mary saw Jesus, His love touched and pierced her heart. Mary Magdalene repented, and converted. He delivered her from the bondage of sin and darkness. Mary was immediately, completely and eternally transformed!
From that day on Mary Magdalene became a disciple of Jesus. Mary Magdalene was so completely transformed that she even followed Him to Calvary! There she stood by Him, with Mary His Mother. Once we have contemplated and experienced His true loving presence, in perpetual adoration of The Blessed Sacrament, we too will be a new creation.
Jesus stays with us in the Holy Eucharist so “that all may learn to be, like Himself, meek and humble of heart and to seek not their own interests but those of God” (Mysterium Fidei). A great Eucharistic Saint and priest, St. Maximilian Kolbe, was transformed into the very image of Christ, his elder Brother, because of his great devotion and Holy Hours of adoration to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament! Daily St. Maximilian made numerous visits to the Blessed Sacrament, in spite of his long hours of hard work and many responsibilities to his brothers and their great missionary work. He said, “My aim is to institute perpetual adoration...,” calling it “the most important activity.” Because of St. Maximilian’s countless hours with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament he was given the awesome grace to ‘lay down his life for his friend.’ While imprisoned in a concentration camp of Auschwitz St. Maximilian Kolbe gave up his life for a fellow prisoner, so that he might live!
“Through adoration, the Christian mysteriously contributes to the radical transformation of the world and to the sowing of the Gospel. Anyone who prays to the Savior draws the whole world with him and raises it to God” (Pope John Paul II, Letter to the Bishop of Liege, May 28, 1996). St. Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missionaries, although she never left her convent. She died at the early age of 24, yet accomplished great things through the power of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Church made her the patroness of missionaries to emphasize this most important truth: one soul coming before the Blessed Sacrament can change the world! St. Therese said, “My mission (is) to make God loved.” May she intercede for us in spreading PEA worldwide! (Copyright 2001, Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. All rights reserved)
To schedule a Missionary, obtain information, and materials in starting PEA contact:
Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament PO Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Phone: (518) 561-8193 Fax: (518) 566-7103 E-mail: info@acfp2000.com http://www.ACFP2000.com/
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E-mail: ACFP2000@aol.com
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