Everlasting Love (Excerpts from the book Behold The Lamb) Have you ever loved someone so much that you want to be with that person each moment? Have you ever loved someone so much that you wish you could stay awake just so you can look at the person that you love?Maybe you love your children so much that you sometimes stay awake at night, brushing the hair from their eyes with your fingertips and watching over them just to see them breathing.There is Someone here with us today Who loves you infinitely more than the greatest love any human heart can measure or hold. There is Someone here with you today Who loves you so much that He waits for you, to love you, to hold you, kiss and watch over you twenty-four hours a day. Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament is this Someone. He is our God, Lover and Best friend. It is of Him Whom the Song of Songs says: “O that His left hand were under my head, and that His right hand embraced me,” (Song 2:6). And, “Eat, O friends, and drink: drink deeply, O lovers!” for, “I slept, but my heart was awake... Hark! my Beloved is knocking,” (Song of Songs 5:1b, 5:2a). For while we remain asleep, He remains awake. Jesus, Our Eucharistic Love, kisses our brow, counts the hairs of our head, listens to our heartbeat and breath, as He waits for us to come to Him and visit Him as He waits alone in this night of love. And He knocks on the door of our hearts each day, each night, each moment, crying with all of the love and passion of His Eucharistic Heart, which is more than all of the love and the passion of the world, “Come to Me, Come to Me. If you but knew how dearly I love you. I thirst for your love, for your heart alone. Could you not watch one hour with Me?,” (Mt. 26:40). For even in our absence, He remains always with us in His Eucharistic Presence—Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Such is the passion and intensity of His love for us in this Most Blessed Sacrament! To think that the Son of God loves us eternally more than the person we love the most in this world. One of the greatest and most intense lovers of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament was St. Peter Julian Eymard, who wrote volumes on His Eucharistic Love. St. Peter Julian writes that, “The life of a bride far from her bridegroom is not a life, but an agony, a mourning. But by the side of her beloved, the bride is generous and strong; she is happy. His heart is hers, and it is a joy for her to devote herself to his service. Such is the Church in the presence of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the object of her love, the center of her heart, the joy and happiness of her life...” St. Therese of Lisieux loved Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament so much that she said that she wanted to burn like a candle before Him day and night. She is called the Little Flower because the fragrance of her life was beautiful to God. Have you ever seen a flower that is wilted and dying? It looks sad and sick, in need of water, sun and care. Without the Holy Eucharist, both personally and universally as a Church, we are like that flower. We are wilted and faded, just barely alive. St. Peter Julian continues: “Through her [the Church’s] children she watches day and night at the feet of the God of the tabernacle to honor Him, love Him and serve Him. The Eucharist is the motive and end of all her worship. It is the soul of it. Take away the Eucharist, and her worship ceases; for it has no longer any reason to be.” Yet, with the Eucharist, with the Love and Rays of the Divine Son, with the healing waters which flow from His Eucharistic Heart, we are beautiful, fragrant and strong. Our lives are pleasing and consoling to the Heart of God, Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, living and dwelling and burning with love for us in our midst. Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is the Lover and we are His beloved. He is the Bridegroom and we are His Bride. He has promised us: “I will allure you and bring you into the wilderness and speak tenderly to you...” (Hos. 2:14) and “I will betroth you to me forever... I will betroth you to me in love!” (Hos. 2:19). It is Jesus in His Eucharistic Presence Who, with His Everpresent Love for us, fulfills the desires which the Lover has to love his Beloved. Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament waits for us to come to Him and spend time with Him, He waits alone— day after day, night after night—in Love. Start Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in your parish today! Contact us to obtain copies of this book, schedule a Missionary, obtain information, and materials in starting Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.Your generous monthly donations help make it possible for our Missionaries to spread His Eucharistic Love to others, not only in this country, but around the world. Many are waiting for materials to be printed in their languages, so that they may share the message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please help us in the mission of St. Therese,“to make God loved” and tell the world of His Love! Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament PO Box 1701, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Phone: (518) 561-8193 Fax: (518) 566-7103 E-mail: ACFP2000@aol.com Website: http://www.ACFP2000.com |
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